Friday, May 22, 2020
Organic vs. Conventional Foods Essay - 1119 Words
With the world’s population continuing to increase, the demand for food is higher than ever. This increase in food demand also calls for more efficient ways of growing and providing the food. Two methods that are very controversial are the organic and conventional method. While many people support the organic method because of its known benefits, others feel that it is an over inflated industry that cheats consumers out of their money. But recently many studies have disproved those critics. These studies prove that Organic food is a better choice than conventional because it is better for the environment, avoids the use of chemicals, and is generally more beneficial. To help keep crops from being destroyed, conventional farmers use†¦show more content†¦It is also shown that pesticides are partly responsible for the rising cancer rates and birth defects among children (â€Å"Pesticides†). Organic farming methods avoid the use of these chemicals and rely on natural method to control crops (â€Å"Farming, Organics†). Examples of these methods are crop rotation, which consists of planting different crops every year and disrupts the life cycle of pests and provides a natural fertilizer (â€Å"Farming, Organics†). Organic farmers also use natural fertilizers such as sulfur and interplanting methods that alternate crops in the field, which discourages pests to live there (â€Å"Farming, Organics†). By not using multiple chemicals to control crops, organic farming also ends up being better for the environment. Organic farmers use natural fertilizers such as manure so that they do not release artificial chemicals into the ground (â€Å"Organic Food†). In June of 1999 a report made by the U.S. Geologic Survey, found that most waterways and ground water supplies in both urban and rural areas contained enough pesticides to endanger aquatic life (â€Å"pesticides†). These chemicals can also leak into streams and encourage the growth of algae and intoxicate the water (â€Å"298 John P. Reganold†). Furthermore studies have found that water contaminated with pesticides may accumulate in theShow MoreRelatedOrganic vs. Conventional Food1235 Words  | 5 PagesOrganic vs. Conventional Food In the United States consumers are inundated with every option imaginable for food. Among those options is the choice of organic or conventional food. Health experts will tout the virtues of organic food as being better for the consumer and preventing many diseases, however, there seems to be more to it than that. When speaking with friends, especially those living on a budget, the philosophy leans more towards the difference between fresh and processed food, andRead MoreOrganic Vs Conventional Food Vs Organic Food Essay954 Words  | 4 PagesOrganic versus Conventional Food Are you concerned about the health of yourself and that of your family when walking through the grocery store? You should be. You might be surprised to learn about chemicals known to exist in the conventional foods we eat daily. Ever wonder why apples are so shiny? A coating of shellac is applied to apples to give them a shiny coating, prolonging their shelf life, and prevent bruising. You might reconsider the next time you reach for the shiniest red apple and rememberRead MoreOrganic Foods And Farming Vs. Conventional Foods1902 Words  | 8 Pages Over the last few years, awareness of organic food has risen. Due to this, the demand for organic food is a factor which is influencing the farmers to switch to use this technique, and it is being sold in specialty stores and conventional supermarkets. Organic products contain numerous marketing claims that it is healthier, it offers more value, and the farming is more environmentally friendly than traditional foods, so, how does one d etermine if organic is the way to go? Some argue that thereRead MoreApa Syphilis650 Words  | 3 Pagesconsume conventional produce to choose organic food ------------------------------------------------- Food or Fungus: Conventional vs Organic 1. Introduction- Have you ever asked yourself, how healthy your food really is? We will provide information on the subject for you. With spending money on foods, which has a great impact on the body, to helping our environment; we will be discussing the pros and cons of organic vs conventional foods. 2. Body Part 1 Pros – Organic foods can beRead MoreEveryone Should Buy Organic Food.1228 Words  | 5 PagesPERSUASIVE SPPECH PREPARATION OUTLINE Title: | Everyone should buy organic food | General purpose: | To persuade | Specific purpose: | To persuade my audience to buy organic food | Central idea: | Organic food is the best food for consumers instead of conventional food | Organizational pattern: | Problem, problem, problem | I. INTRODUCTION | A. Open with impact/ Attention getter: | Let’s imagine. One day you are in a supermarket and you decided to buy vegetables. Well, they are allRead MoreOrganic Farming Produces Organic Food1220 Words  | 5 Pagescan Pronounce It The word Organic can be defined in multiple ways but what the word basically means that the product is derived from living matter. Organic farming produces organic food. The goal is to encourage soil and water conservation, reduce pollution, and constrain conventional methods to fertilize and control weeds. According to the U.S Food and Drug Administration â€Å"The term organic is not defined by law or regulations FDA enforces.†Foods that are organic does not necessarily meanRead MoreOrganic Farming Practices ( Non Organic )1702 Words  | 7 Pages Akamai Mahi’ai Amber Moniz Morgan Brailo Leilehua High School Table of Contents Page 2: Table of Contents Page 3: Abstract Page 4: Organic Farming Practices Page 5: Conventional Farming Practices (Non Organic) Page 8: Conclusion Page 10: Citation Abstract Centuries ago, ancient civilizations learned how to take plants that they found flourishing in nearby areas and grow them conveniently for their own use. The advancement of technology, and the evolution of farming practices has created a greatRead MoreOrganic Food Is Better Than Conventional Food940 Words  | 4 PagesOrganic food is a current topic in today’s healthful world. There are different sides to the organic food argument. One is that organic food is much better than conventional food. The other is that conventional food is just as good as organic and more for your dollar. To some families organic food is more then they can afford because of the extra work that is required to grow it. People say that organic food is better because it has no chemicals or fertilizer in it but that is not true because theyRead MoreThe Effects Of Pesticides On Organic Farming1653 Words  | 7 Pagesfarmers noticed a decrease in soil quality and crop health due to the use of chemical fertilizers (â€Å"Pesticides in Organic†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 1). This drop in soil quality left the farmers no other choice but to cease the use of chemical ferti lizers and begin implementing less harmful supplements in order to improve crop quality (â€Å"An Oral History†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). This less invasive method of farming, otherwise known as organic farming, takes into account â€Å"the medium and long-term effect of agricultural interventions†(â€Å"What Are the Environmental†¦Ã¢â‚¬ )Read MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Organic Farming1035 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is better organic farming or conventional farming? This is a question that all farmers face. Each type of farming as its own benefits and disadvantages. Organic farming and conventional farming are different in many different ways. I know farmers from both sides. I know farmers who practice organic farming and I also know farmers who practice conventional farming as well as some farmers who use a combination of the two types of farming. But I have never really know all of the differences between
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Benefits of Financial Aid Essay Samples Psychology
The Benefits of Financial Aid Essay Samples Psychology The Financial Aid Essay Samples Psychology Game When you learn the methods to compose an essay, there are only a few things that have to be considered beforehand. For instance, some folks, I included, sometimes use it in order to draw attention to their most recent blog post along with providing the sensation of being. In summary, Twitter is transforming the everyday lives of those using the service and is going to have a gigantic international effect on how millions of individuals relate to one another. It's been said that the reason behind the huge quantity of students leaving the question blank is due to the confusing fashion where the question was asked. There are others around who can still create the world a better place. Tell them a real story of the huge things you have done. Be certain that your essay is neatly typed, and that there's plenty of white space' on the webpage. Think about finally buying something, after you are finished, that you've been contemplating buying for quite a while but couldn't buy it for some reason. If you know the appropriate means to compose a finance essay, you also have to understand how to respond to a number of the inquiries about the subject, since a noble conclusion isn't going to leave any inquiry unanswered. Rather, you need to focus on articulating detailed reasons that are particular to your circumstance. Occasionally there'll be overlap with different answers, and you'll need to use your judgment on the level to which you should reiterate important ideas. Edit carefully, and provide the readers a complete view of your circumstance. More employers will be eager to hire you and offer much better pay packages. If you get a financial aid need, they will supply you with need-based aid. This aid is given to students because neither they nor their families have all the resources required to cover a college education. Financial aid is money in the shape of loans, grants and employment that's available to a student to help pay the price of attending. The worth of education is something I have understood since an extremely young age. The most important advantage of scholarships is that you receive money but do not need to pay anything back like with loans, as an example. Finally, in addition, there are some colleges that provide awards from their own funds or from money received from several organizations. Some scholarships will just request a statement of financial need. Financial Aid Essay Samples Psychology for Dummies College is extremely expensive. Speak about your career targets, if at all possible. Or if there's a football match or some other game that it is possible to go to. You don't need to pay the money back. The actual folks highly praise our essay help site. As a prospective student, it's your duty to make sure you pick the one that will fulfill your professional targets. These students have families they will need to support. Loans are borrowed money that has to be repaid over a time period, usually after the student leaves school. Student loans are always an alternative, but a little creativity is all that is required to create the college experience significantly cheaper. Make certain you tie your particular objectives to other elements of your application. The college application procedure is competitive. It should be completed at least one month prior to the semester you are planning to attend. Your application needs to be typewritten and neat. You will have to submit an application for financial aid each year by completing a FAFSA. There are several sorts of scholarships that are readily available.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How to Successfully Expand your Business into the Africa Free Essays
Import and export figures are also significantly higher for emerging markets and developing economies compared to advanced economies. Looking at these projections as an business or investor should have you seriously considering expanding your business or portfolio into these regions and tap into these revenue. Introduction Today world is becoming less and less defined by its boundaries, the words â€Å"Global Village†and used to reference this evolution. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Successfully Expand your Business into the Africa or any similar topic only for you Order Now Business is at the fore front of breaking these boarders. Technological advances in communication especially via the World Wide Web have broken down the barriers enabling a business in America to sell rodents in a consumer in China, England, Brazil, Kenya†¦. Anywhere the internet is present can now be included in a business’s target market. Not only can businesses sell goods and services anywhere in the world, the can also have operation there and be able to communicate and collaborate with colleagues and other partners more efficiently and affordable than even before. Given these facts then why do businesses choice to do trade with one country over another and not both or as many as possible? We the simple answer to this question is that there many other barriers to read with foreign countries that will make it hard or even impossible for foreign business to expand into those regions. African countries have been one of those that many businesses in developed countries have refrained from doing business with. And in their defense it’s not without merit. Despite African being blessed with an abundance of natural resources, it has been plagues with wars, and political instability leading to high levels of poverty, lack of education and poor infrastructure. However over the last two decades, many of these countries have made strides in utter there economies, and have registered high economic growth during this period. However even with these changes, not many foreign business have taken note of these region as potentially significant part of the market. Even with slow economic growth rates among developed countries. Africa is poised to be the next big market, especially as things slowly wind down in Asia notably China. The purpose of this project is to establish a successful strategy for American Businesses to expand into the African Market Is this a profitable market? The African economy has seen a significant economic growth of the past two cascades. The economic growth rate is two to three times that of developed countries and still significantly higher than that of other emerging economies like Asia and Latin America. The middle class has shown a sharp rise over the last decade, raising the amount of people with discretionary income thus driving the economy. This growth spike is driven by the growth of the middle class. The middle class growth has happened as Africa makes strides in education, infrastructure, and political stability in many countries. Compared to Just about 10 years ago, a huge economic growth can be noticed. From a similar research project conducted written in 2004 titled †The experience of South African Firms Doing Business in Africa’ we can see Just how the economy and other factors have changed. In June 2003, the International Monetary Fund (MIFF) observed that macroeconomic policies in Africa had improved considerably in recent years, although inflation remained a source of worry in a number of countries such as Zombie, Angola, Somalia and Nigeria. In its April World Outlook, the MIFF maintained that the central challenge for Africa remained the establishment of those conditions necessary to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, most notably a sustained reduction in poverty. However, to achieve these goals, an overall growth rate of 7% per annum is required. Far from reaching that goal, Africans economic growth slowed to 3. 1% in 2002, compared with 4. 3% the previous year. (Games 2004) Fast forward to 2013 that goal of 7% growth is being attained by several African countries. If you look at the latest MIFF data for economic growth in table 1. MIFF 2013 The average growth for many of the African countries, is at 6. 9% in 2013 and raising up to 7. 9 in 2014. The map further shows where parts are recording these phenomenal growth rates. A 7% average annual growth rate is too significant to Just be ignored. This growth creates an increased demand for goods and services that usually cannot be meet by current businesses and government. Deutsche Bank said the number of households with discretionary income would reach 130 million by 2020 from 85 million now. Cape Argus [South Africa] 14 Novo. 2013) What industries are most profitable? A developing counties or emerging economies the African market has opportunities for business in every industry. This region is playing catch up with developed countries thus means the opportunities for foreign businesses who have already one it can bring with them experience and expertise to contribute to this growth will turning a profit. Retail is one of sub-Sahara Africans hottest sectors, fuelled by expanding populations and fast growing economies. In east Africa, the economies of several nations are growing around 7 percent a year. Real income growth in Africa is averaging 2. 3 percent a year and consumer spending accounts for 60 percent of economic output, the World Bank said in April. Deutsche Bank said the number of households with discretionary income would reach 130 million by 2020 from 85 million now. That’s really good news for shops. Daily News [Colombo, Sir Lankan] 14) Africans tourism growth was faster than the average for emerging economies. More than half of Africans tourists arrived by air. International tourist arrivals in Africa had grown almost fivefold since 1990 at a rate of 6. 3 percent a year. International tourist arrivals rose from 15 million a year in 1990 to 50 million in 2011. The growth rate in sub-Sahara African tourism arrivals was nearly 8 percent a year between 1990 and 2011. It is estimated that tourism injects more than $30 billion (Rabin) into the continent a year. Airbus said there had been some positive improvements across the egging despite continued impediments to growth. (Cape Times [South Africa] 1 Novo. 013) What are the barriers? These are: Low levels of development and insufficient investment in people as resources; Political and fiscal risk. A weak private sector, coupled with a strong government presence in the economy; High dependency on donors and other financial mechanisms for aid and the funding of projects; High business costs owing to the lack of basic services, facilities, infrastructure, development, competition and resources; Insu fficient air and road links; Poor leadership and bad governance; Corruption at all levels of government; High costs of finance due to high risk and weak economies Currency fluctuations. (Games 2004) This list of barriers to doing business in Africa are from a decade ago, at present not all of them have been corrected but significant steps have been taken to fix reduce or eliminate them. In Africa, foreign investors beware: business is often a family affair. Just ask Wall-Mart , the world’s largest retailer. Daily News [Colombo, Sir Lankan] 14) Political climate Tunis: The eighth annual African Economic Conference concluded today, calling on development and business leaders to turn Africa into a hub of business and development excellence. The conference, Jointly organized each year by the African Development Bank (BFD), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ACE) and the United Nations Development Programmer (UNDO), brought together 500 decision-makers and development practitioners. Daily the Peak Banker 2013) Infrastructure SCALING up infrastructure investments and ad opting modern methods of management have been identified as significant benchmark in releasing potentials in the business sector to contribute immensely to economic growth of the East African Community (EACH) partner states. (Tanzania Daily News 2013) â€Å"We need investment n infrastructure, our roads and ports,†(African news service 2013) Countries to avoid Why sub-Sahara Africa and not north? Growth will weaken in north Africa dues to slow down among oil exporters (miff pop) Sub-Sahara Africa is expected to continue growing at a strong pace during 2013-14, with both resource-rich and lower-income economies benefiting from robust domestic demand (Figure 2. 15). The external environment is the main source of risks to growth, particularly for middle- income and mineral-exporting economies. Given the still-uncertain global environment, countries whose policy buffers are thin and here growth is strong should seek to rebuild fiscal positions without undermining productive investment. miff pop) The generally strong per- performance is based to a significant extent on ongoing investment in infrastructure and productive capacity, continuing robust consumption, and the activation of new capacity in extractive sectors. (MFC pop) . In sub-Sahara Africa as a whole, inflation is projected to fall further to 7 percent in 2013 (miff pop) The frequency of growth takeoffs in low-income cou ntries (Lies) has risen markedly during the past two decades, and these takeoffs have lasted longer than those that took place before the sass. Economic structure has not mattered much in sparking takeoffs-?takeoffs have been achieved by Lies rich in resources and by those oriented toward manufacturing. A striking similarity between recent takeoffs and those before the sass is that they have been associated with higher investment and national saving rates and with stronger export growth, which sets them apart from Lies that were unable to take off and confirms the key role of capital accumulation and trade integration in development. However, recent takeoffs stand out from earlier takeoffs in two important aspects. First, today’s yeoman Lies have achieved strong growth without building macroeconomic imbalances-?as reflected in declining inflation, more com- appetite exchange rates, and appreciably lower public and external debt accumulation. For resource-rich Lies, this has been due to a much greater reliance on foreign direct invest- meet (FED). For other Lies, strong growth was achieved despite lower investment levels than in the previous genera- Zion. Second, recent takeoffs are associated with a faster pace of implementing productivity-enhancing structural reforms and strengthening institutions. For example, these Lies have a lower regulatory burden, better infrastructure, higher education levels, and greater political stability. Looking for- ward, there remain many challenges to maintaining strong growth performance in today’s dynamic Lies, including the concentration of their growth in only a few sectors and the need to diversify their economies, and ensuring that growth leads to broad- based improvements in living standards. Still, if these countries succeed in preserving their improved policy foundation and maintaining their momentum in structural reform, they seem more likely to stay on course and avoid the reversals in economic fortunes that afflicted many dynamic Lies in the past. miff 97) In particular, the follow- ins have become more important: a more competitive exchange rate, deeper export links with other Modes, higher human capital levels, initial levels of income per capita, and overall economic size. Indeed, as global trade and competition increase, greater external competitiveness, export diversification, and productive- itty improvements may raise Lies’ chances of takeoff relatively more than when the global economy is less integrated. The baseline results suggest that the chances of take- off more than tripled during the sass compared with the period before 1990 (Figure 4. 11). The predicted (miff Pl 10) How can barriers to entry be overcome? He said that in order to kick-start a major investment drive on the continent, these banks should partner with institutions such as the Bank Guest Francine De Development, the Africa Finance Corporation and Cairo-based Brinkman. Pressed on whether he had considered the Industrial Development Corporation and the Development Bank of Southern African, he said these too should be considered for partnering and leveraging with bigger commercial banks. (Cape Times [South Africa] 1 Novo. 2013) â€Å"Business on the continent is a relationship, not Just a transaction. If you miss the relationship you will have endless trouble with the transaction. †Building relationships in Africa is an important part of doing business, particularly for South Africans who have to work at countering the perception that they are the new colonizers, the bully boys who have taken over markets, pushing out local businesses. (Games 2004) Are other countries already doing business in this region successfully? About 80 business people have been given advice about increasing exports to Africa. The event, held yesterday in Quern, was hosted by Government agency I-J Trade and Investment (KIT). Susann Hutting, of the East Midlands office, said most of the delegates had already traded with Africa and were looking for ways to increase their sales to the continent. â€Å"Lots of people were looking for different information about exporting more,†she said. (Leister Mercury Novo. ) Which developed countries are doing business here? Asks, who was born in South Africa, said â€Å"everyone is keen on Africa†, including investment banks in the EX. and North America. They had billions of dollars available to invest on the continent but did not know the regulatory terrain and the pitfalls of coal investment markets. He had been in discussions with many of the international banks. â€Å"They are all asking†¦ Are you [Airbus] formulating a strategy for Africa? †(Cape Times [South Africa] 1 Novo. 2013) Marriott International, the New York Stock Exchange-listed international hospitality group, is planning to acquire the brands and management business of Protean Hotels in South Africa and sub-Sahara Africa. The US group confirmed yesterday that it had signed a letter of intent with Cape Town-based Protean Hospitality Holdings to acquire Protean Hotels’ brands and its management business. Protean Hotels operates or franchises 116 hotels across three brands with 10 184 rooms in South Africa and six other sub-Sahara African countries. (cape times 2013) How are other business from other foreign countries doing? Natural growth of African-based aviation would see the number of aircraft needed to serve the markets for flights to, from and within the continent rising from 618 at the start of 2012 to a projected 1 453 by 2031. It was projected that 122 aircraft of the existing 618 would have to be replaced, while 823 would have to be brought on stream. This meant nearly 1 000 new aircraft would be needed in the next 20 years. How to cite How to Successfully Expand your Business into the Africa, Papers
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