Saturday, January 25, 2020
Casino And Gaming Management Tourism Essay
Casino And Gaming Management Tourism Essay In the report, we will introduce a brief history casinos in Victoria Australia, and then, the current state of casino gaming and internal description of casinos will be shown. The advantage and disadvantage of casinos will be discussed in the surrounding community. There is no double that gambling is one of the most popular games in the world. Generally speaking, casino can be found in anywhere in the world. Therefore casino is not only an entertainment place for people but also relevant to the hospitality industry and it is as well as a significant aspect contained by the national finance and economics. Consequently this article will be focus on a casino which is it is in Melbourne and introduce their history, the impacts on casino, the internal description of casino and the advantages and disadvantages of the casino. After that, people will know more about the casino (Crown) in Melbourne. The first legal casino which is wrest point hotel casino locates in Tasmania Australia in 1973, and then government allowed to set up Darwin casino in northern territory in 1979. Focus on 1980s, gold coast, Queensland and Adelaide also opened their first casino at that time. In addition, in 1990s, there are much more casinos opened than before such as Casino in Canberra; star city casino in Sydney and reef hotel casino in cairns Queensland. From 1994 to 1997, Melbourne also was running the first casino Crown casino. In these years, there are 13 casinos in each state and territory of Australia which are running their business, maintain their legislation and policy. These casinos are not only operating in gambling places, but also in hotels, accommodations and entertainment place. Therefore Australia has great economic benefit and employment by these casinos. Current state of casino gaming: Crown casino and entertainment complex is located in Melbourne of the Yarra River, and attracting on average 16 million tourists every year, so it is absolutely one of the largest casinos in Australia. Thus Crown casino is a paradise for gambling, because they are only provide kinds of table gaming such as blackjack, Texas Holdem, craps, baccarat, roulette, Caribbean Stud poker and so on, but also has more than 2,500 slot machines and 350 gaming tables alarming. According to Herald Sun reports, gamblers would lose 100.002 Australian dollars in table game and slot machine each hour. Meanwhile Crown hotel provide many non-gaming services, such as hotel, restaurant, cinema, theatre shows and shopping. Consequently this hotel becomes a centre of entertainment of Melbourne. Casino managers have estimated that one-third of the money from overseas visitors and they have lost 60 million. Consequently the Victoria government as much as 3.13 billion tax from casino and help the government budg et has a surplus. The pokie tax increases 1.7 percent each year for six years beginning this year, resulting in a total tax increase of 10.3 percent by 2015. The full tax will be 32.57 percent at that time. The change will bring more than a$60 million to the government over the next four years and add more than 300 jobs at Crown. (Global Gaming Business, 2009) However, Crown casino like any other casinos, they dont allow people go into the casino if they under 18 and office signs this note in every entrance. Customers should be identified by entry point staff at all entrance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, Crown casino set up a Responsible Gaming Support Centre (RGSC), which is responsible to be tasked with implementing Crowns responsible service of gambling initiatives and providing a focal point for interacting with customers who may need support. Future capital works projects: Crown Melbourne spends $300 million to build a new hotel on the casino site in 2010. The new hotel will provide 658 rooms and accommodate 340 000 guests every year; 50 exhibition booths, 7 state of the art conference-meeting rooms and an 800-seat Plenary Hall. Crown casino will also upgrade the facilities including live entertainment, restaurants, lighting and color schemes. Therefore the new project will create significant economic benefit for Crown and Melbourne. Casino industry description of Australia: Since 1973, casino has become an important part in Australians life. Therefore in order to attract the visitors to game in their place, besides the existing 13 casinos, the expenditure of casinos grew rapidly from $78.5 million to $2.8 billion which has increase 34.9 percent. So casino industry activates the economic and the travel image of the country. Since 1998-2006, casinos gaming expenditure has stabilized at around $3 billion. They offer more and more thrilling game in the entertainment. In addition, they offer provide many non-gaming activities and facilities such as hotel rooms, restaurant, bars, banquet facilities and theatres. Therefore there are 7.8 billion customers who come from all over the world visited casino in Australia. Consequently this brings a perfect profit for casinos and government. In 2002 to 2008, the revenues increased $3.1 billion to 4.0 billion and the average revenues growth rate of 5.2 percent every year. In a research, there are about $1271 million dollar which has 40 per cent revenue come from table gaming and about $572 million dollar which has 18 per cent come from international VIP customers. Moreover, casinos also create about 19,737 jobs in Australia, and Crown casino is the largest single site employers in Victoria The Commonwealth and local governments won $1.2 billion total taxes from casinos in 2007 to 2008. Particularly, casinos not only need to pay general taxes collected by the different levels of local government on all businesses, casinos usually pay amount of special gambling taxes as well. There are different types of general taxes, which including Goods and Services Tax (GST), firm tax and payroll tax paid by casinos for usual operations. In current situation, Casinos leading the most highly taxed compare with other gaming providers in Australia. Casino paid thirty percent of all income for their taxes to the government in a single year of 2007 to 2008. Few industries can afford to pay so much tax as casino except the industries of tobacco, alcohol and luxury cars. Leading to the casino to pay such high taxes is because the casinos are required to pay a lot of taxation (gambling taxes, license fees and community levies) besides the general taxes by all other industries. Casino Contribution There are plenty of international evidence indicate that casinos contribution to national economic activity is mainly dependent on the casino led to the development of tourism. However, effective research shows that tourism and hotel sector has not been much affected by non-casino facets. The following research report is about the details found in Australian. 1. More than one million overseas tourists visits to Australian casinos and bring a number of 2.4 million consumptions in 2007 to 2008. 2. Overseas tourists who visited Australian casinos bring $4.9 billion total spent with an average of $4940 per tourist, during visits to Australia. This average consume value is in the extreme higher than overseas tourists who did not visited casino during the visit with the average consume value of $2630 per tourist. The total number of gambling consumption by overseas VIP program players is $553 million in the year of 2007 to 2008. It is estimated that casinos has spent a further $65 million to attract VIP program players, these players who are estimated to cost $121 million in Australia on non-casino consumption. 1. It is estimated that export to overseas VIP program players improved gross domestic product (GDP) by $84 million and private consumption by $225 million in year of 2007 to 2008. 2. To keep export of overseas VIP program players at the year of 2007 to 2008 level is prospective to improve Australias private expenditure by $1.8 billion over a decade. Casino employment There are 19 939 people working in Casinos in year of 2007 to 2008. It is making a significant contribution to employment in Australia. Two leading employment casinos are located in Victoria (Crown Melbourne) and WA (Burswood Entertainment Complex) respectively, which employ the largest proportion of employees. Licensed gaming staff is one of most important category in casino operation. There are closely 60 percentage of staff are employed in casino on a full time basis, about 15 percentage employed on a part time basis, and 25 percentage on a casual basis. Disadvantage of Casino industry: Problem Gambling From the Australia Productivity Commissions Inquiry into Australias Gambling Industries in 1999, it is indicating that the following points: 1. About 2.1 percentages of the Australian adults or among 293,000 people have a significant gambling problem. 2. On average around seven other people are affected by a serious problem gamblers behavior. It is around two million Australians. Problem Gambling is clearly a major public health issue in Australia. It is become a problem if someone spends more time or money than they can afford to, or if it is have a negative impact on their relationship. That is why just the minority country legislate the gambling is legal. Crime Rate With the growing of the casino industry, crime becomes another major negative impact. Casino is a place which can make a person bankruptcy in a short time; it may change a person in one night. So, the rate of crime may increase because of these factors. Also, the government adopt a lot, such as increase the number of police on duty at night, but the crime problem still have not work out in a perfect way. Conclusion: In conclusion, this report generally description the casino in Australia with several parts which includes the history of casino gambling, current state of casino, Impact on casino, industry of casino, and the advantages and disadvantages of casino as well. In order to more powerful support of our arguments, this article adopts the resources from Internet, chart and database. Moreover, with the development science and technology, improve the management has become more important to casino to create more entertainment facilities to meet the needs of the people, to stimulate the economy development. However, the industry is also a potential risks (social problems, crime). In order to prevent negative, the government should pay more attention on casino management and restrictions to seek better ways to adjust entertainment and gain enormous profit.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Consumer Association of Bangladesh
1. Introduction Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB), a non-government Non-political and non-profit voluntary organization was founded in February, 1978 at the initiation of some dedicated residents in Dhaka who was imbued with the ideas of consumerism, a movement that already took shape in many advanced countries in Europe and America. Primarily started as a social group to protect consumers from commodity adulteration and artificial price-hike it has gradually widened its scope to establish and safeguard consumers’ rights and interests in social, economic, health and environmental issues.CAB was registered with the Department of Social Services, Government of Bangladesh vide reg. No DHA-01247 dated 14 March 1983 and with the NGO Affairs Bureau vide reg. No. DSS/FDO/R-197 dated 2 March 1986. CAB is also a full member of Consumers International. It is funded by membership fees and by grants from donors. Organization Profile: Organization Name: CAB (Consumers Association o f Bangladesh) Member no: 761 Joining date: 15 Mar 1981Region: Asia Pacific Address: 8/6, Segunbagicha, Dhaka- 1000 Location: Bangladesh Type of Work: Campaigning and/or lobbying, Consumer Advice, Consumer Legislation, Dispute Resolution, Networking, Product Testing, Publishing, Research/Policy analysis. It has 500 regular and 100 associate members. Its mission is to empower Consumers with the knowledge and skills for the effective protection of their rights and interests.The major areas of CAB activities are: Consumer Information & Education, Surveillances & Monitoring on market prices and quality of essential commodities and utility services, consumer’s complaints handlings, campaign for safe foods and commodities, ethical drug promotion and safe environment, studies & research on consumer issues and problems, Advocacy and lobby with the government and policy makers for enactment of Consumer Protection Law. 2. Objectives of CAB: The major objectives of CAB are to: 1. make co nsumers aware of their rights and responsibilities; 2. romote consumer education, aiming at raising awareness of consumers against exploitation, and providing them with technical knowledge and support for real protection; 3. focus on consumers' problems and develop a spirit of mutual co-operation and understanding among different groups, associations, institutions, NGOs and government agencies functioning in the interests of the welfare of the people; 4. exchange information and knowledge of various actions about consumer protection with national and international organizations; 5. organize and set-up consumers associations and groups at the districts and thana level 6.Undertake research studies on consumer issues and problems. 7. Generate awareness among the consumers about their internationally recognized rights and responsibilities as consumers 8. Promote consumer education aiming at empowering consumers with the knowledge and skills on protection of their rights. 9. Enable consu mers to organize themselves in establishing and protecting their rights and interests through organized action. 10. Arrange for testing of products and commodities to make the market places safer and consumer friendly. 11.Provide mediation and legal support to the aggrieved consumers related to violation of their rights and interests involved in the purchase and use of commodities and services. 12. Foster and develop contacts and liaison with the national and international organizations having similar objectives. 13. Publish educational materials and feed consumers with information and knowledge on consumerism, consumer issues and problems. 3. Achievements: CAB activities in consumer education include mainly the publication of a monthly bulletin in Bangla titled Consumers' Voice to provide consumers with information of various consumer issues and problem.CAB also publishes a quarterly bulletin in English, which it distributes to different organizations at home and abroad. In additio n, it occasionally publishes pamphlets, folders, and leaflets on various consumer issues and problems and regularly prepares features and press releases for dissemination through the mass media. CAB regularly monitors the market prices of essential commodities and services to show the actual price situation in the market and keep prices within the purchasing power of general consumers.It runs a market monitoring cell, which regularly conducts market surveys and supplies relevant information to consumers through national dailies. CAB launched a ‘Dirty Dozen Campaign' against 12 most harmful pesticides. Earlier, there were no guidelines on the marketing of pesticides and it is because of the pressure created by CAB that the government had to formulate guidelines on the marketing of pesticides and publish them through a gazette notification. CAB also carried out studies on household insecticides and labeling of pesticides on packets.The organization was very vocal and active in c reating demand for formulating a National Drug Policy (NDP) and played an active role in the process of enactment of the NDP in 1982. Since then, CAB has been regularly monitoring the implementation of NDP and organizing promotional activities, especially relating to issues of inadequacy and poor services in the delivery of public health care. CAB started an anti-tobacco campaign in 1981. CAB is active in lobbying with the government for banning smoking in selected public places. CAB is also monitoring the implementation of the Breast Milk Substitute Ordinance enacted in 1984.CAB carries out campaigns in support of breastfeeding. CAB activities include organization of seminars, workshops, and group meetings, street processions, distribution of posters and leaflets, and publication of features in newspapers on environmental pollution and degradation as well as on safe road and transport systems. A routine activity of CAB is the formation and development of consumer for expansion of c onsumer movement at the division, district, thana and peripheral levels. These groups keep liaison with the national level and deal with consumer education and motivation and handle local consumer problems and issues.CAB runs a Complaint Centre to receive complaints from consumers and extends technical and legal support to them for redress. With a view to keeping the consumers informed about the daily market situation and other consumer issues and problems CAB runs a Consumer Information Centre, which has a small library attached to it. It conducts studies on important consumer issues such as commodity prices, use of BMS in hospitals and clinics, tobacco consumption, road accidents, violation of BMS ordinance, drug abuse and the like.It has been looking for the formulation of consumer protection laws in the country for a long time. CAB now concentrates its activities in the districts of Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Mymensingh, Gazipur, Manikganj, Bogra, Khulna and Barisal but has plan s to expand the activities in other districts of the country, too. Some of the achievements of CAB are as follows: The Milk Vita Company used to mix imported powder milk with cow’s milk and then market it as the cow’s milk.CAB exposed this malpractice, following which the company had to change its policy; CAB created considerable awareness among the people about harmful and unnecessary drugs long before the enactment of the National Drug Policy, which after being formulated, was popularized by CAB through a vigorous campaign; Since 1984, CAB has been conducting campaigns for the promotion and protection of breast feeding and has been an advocate for enactment and implementation of Bangladesh Breast Feeding Substitutes (marketing regulation) Ordinance, 1984; CAB was instrumental in the declaration of the Code of Pesticide Marketing and assisted in the creation of a committee to evaluate price situation, in the re-organization of the Bangladesh Standard Institute and pub lication of lists for standard certificates, and in creation of a committee to assess the adulteration position in edible oils; CAB was instrumental in the re-organization of the government's Environmental Pollution Control Department. The anti-tobacco campaign by CAB resulted in the introduction of warning against hazardous effects of smoking in cigarette advertisements; and CAB has been recognized as representative of consumers in numerous committees (both government and non-government) formed on different issues and subjects.CAB, however, faces a number of constraints such as inadequacy of funds, and a relatively slow response from communities and population groups that prevent consumer movement from gaining a solid ground, and a general weakness of consumers in terms of their awareness level and bargaining strength in purchases. CAB's success, therefore, remains minimal as their programmers often go against the interest of the business community, who enjoys near monopoly and has the opportunity to organize syndicated trade. 3. 1 Research Studies: Several research and survey works on consumer’s affairs are undertaken by CAB. Information dissemination to the stake holders and to the relevant government authorities are the routine practices. It helps the decision makers to take action and make remedial future action plan for assuring the rights of consumers in the country. Survey and research on â€Å"Awareness to the sellers and consumers regarding BSTI, and the certification marks system of BSTI†in the year of 2000. †¢Survey and research on â€Å"Awareness and the status of Bangladesh on keeping the consumers right†in the year of 2000. †¢Research on â€Å"Market food and packaged food†in the year of 2003. †¢Survey and research on â€Å"Unpackaged food in Dhaka city†in the year of 2003. †¢Survey and research on â€Å"Health service: The present status of Bangladesh (1. 5 years)†in the year of 2005. †¢Survey and research on â€Å"Public sentiment of sellers and consumers†in the year of 2005. †¢Survey report on â€Å"Livelihood expenses and pricing of product†in 1982- 2007). †¢Yearly survey report on â€Å"Accident on road and river transport†in (2000-2004). Survey and research on â€Å"The use of indigenous medicine†in the year of 2005. 3. 2 Campaign for Safe Environment: Women and children are the worst sufferers due to increasing environmental degradation and CAB undertakes programs to promote public awareness and their participation in the environmentally sustainable development. Campaign activities in the form of seminars, workshops, group meetings, rallies and street processions, production and distribution of educational materials, writing of features, press release etc. against air and water pollution, environmental degradation and other social abuses are organized on regular basis. 3. 3 Campaign against Tobacco:CAB h as been campaigning against production and marketing of tobacco since 1981 and it is through the continued and persistent endeavors of CAB that advertisement of cigarettes in Radio and TV has been banned and health hazards warning signals on cigarette packs has been introduced. CAB is a member of the Bangladesh Anti-tobacco Alliance and has been lobbying with the government for enactment of laws putting ban on smoking in public places as well as on advertisement of cigarettes in print media. This has, however, resulted in the enactment of Bangladesh Tobacco Control Law 2005. CAB has now started lobbying with the government for effective implementation of law and organizing campaign for raising public awareness on tobacco menace to bring about tangible reduction of tobacco use in the society. Read also: Padma Bridge
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Should Vaccines Be Government Enforced - 1584 Words
Jordan Angel Mrs. Lenkey American Lit. 17/2/2016 Should Vaccines be Government Enforced Vaccination has been a long-established and adopted practice in the U.S. since its inception. Having been required for certain school districts since the early 1800’s, many have wondered if the government should play a role in this. Vaccines are safe and effective, eradicating numerous diseases which were once prominent. However, they are neither perfectly safe nor perfectly effective. Government enforced vaccines disregard modern medical ethics as well. Nevertheless, they should be widely encouraged. The problem with forced vaccinations is that they, by definition, run counter to every relevant set of medical ethics. Particularly the principles of Autonomy, beneficence, and nonmaleficence (AMA). Autonomy argues a patient obtain autonomy of thought, intention, and action when making decisions in regard to medical procedures. Beneficence requires medical actions be performed for the good of the patient and others. Nonmaleficence requires that a procedure does not harm the patie nt involved or others in society (Pantilat). All three of these ethical practices can be difficult to maintain if vaccinations were enforced by the government. Autonomy specifically plays an important role in the argument against government mandated vaccinations. Only the patient holds the right to make decisions about their medical procedures. This is a right that every U.S. citizen possess. Society and especiallyShow MoreRelatedMedication Is A Necessary Aspect Of Being Human1478 Words  | 6 Pagessaves lives. Medication should be enforced, but only when the health and safety of others is in jeopardy. When one is unable to make their own conscious decisions, medication should be administered with the oversight of a professional and a caretaker. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
My Philosophy Of Higher Education - 1118 Words
Higher education is a daunting challenge that everyone goes through. It’s the type of challenge that can lift your spirits, but at the same time it can bring you down. When I think of higher education I think of one word: stress. Where does philosophy fit in? First off, what does philosophy mean? Philosophy can mean many things to different people. It can be a belief. It can be an attitude. It can be whatever you want it to be. For me a philosophy and higher education go hand in hand. I’m very committed in my career. I have a passion for it. I have obtained valuable knowledge over the years. My philosophy of higher education fuels my passion. My philosophy helps me manage my emotions. That is why having a philosophy of higher education is important. Today there is a great demand for higher education. It is important for our society and economical development. Our younger generations need to be equipped with the skills and knowledge to navigate through life. Alfred Whitehead believed in the importance of utilizing knowledge and the need to get students interested in their work (Cahn, 2013, p. 211). Whitehead’s philosophy makes sense because I also believe that knowledge is something that students need early in life, in order for students to be successful in higher education. My philosophy is that knowledge and guidance can turn into motivation into being successful in higher education. According to Cahn, as told by Whitehead (2013), â€Å"The mind is an instrument, you firstShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Philosophy Of Education1476 Words  | 6 PagesCLES 871 Foundations of Higher Education Summer 2015 Instructor: Joel Abaya, PhD Personal Philosophy of Education Submitted by: Wessam Elamawy . Personal Philosophy of Education Introduction: From the very beginning of my life I recognized the importance of higher education. I am 34 years old. I am Egyptian. I was born in a highly educated family . My father earned a Ph.D. in chemistry. 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