Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Project on Cement Essay Example for Free
Undertaking on Cement Essay Any achievement requires the exertion of numerous individuals and this work is the same. I particularly express gratitude toward Mr. R.K.Gupta; Director of Cii CITMS, whose help and tolerance was instrumental in achieving this undertaking. I might want to thank our Faculty Guide Miss.Pubali Koley whose tireless exertion made this task conceivable. My appreciative affirmation to all the staff individual from Ultra tech Cement constrained for their help and participation. Finally again I need to degree my gratitude to all the instructors of Cii CITMS †Durgapur for giving help and certainty for doing this task. [pic] This aspiring venture at ULTRATECH CEMENT under the undertaking title â€Å"ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY†has been done under the capable direction of organization institutional specialists. The vision or the goal of this task was to distinguish the Advertising needs. As the development is a consistent procedure, so it is likewise especially imperative to discover the corners or the zones where the extension for the advancement is available. The adequacy of the Advertising was likewise under the output during this period where it is seen that the viable Advertising can successfully augment deals volume income. This Advertising procedure is likewise viable to deal with the arranged deals technique. The Advertising procedure at WEST BENGAL CEMENT WORKS is reasonably arranged Divided into four sections. This pragmatic undertaking helped a ton to get the information from all the roads of the Marketing Management it is additionally seen that it will enable the organization to time to time in its development procedure. Presentation T he capacity of Advertising is to close the hole between the longing execution and the genuine activity execution. The requirement for quality Advertising program is on the expansion because of the way that the exceptionally serious business condition is hurling new and complex difficulties, actually consistently. New and complex administrations are appearing, in this manner pushing up the requirement for top notch Advertising program. Because of the log jam in the economy, numerous occupations are appearing, numerous occupations slices are occurring prompting a circumstance where works must hold themselves to remain utilized in a similar association or to finish in the commercial center. [pic] †¢ To recognize significance of Advertising in the association. †¢ To recognize the particular Advertising region. †¢ To recognize the adequacy of various kinds of publicizing. †¢ To recognize the best strategies and methods for promoting. †¢ The advancement of Advertising and deals advancement plans to meet wanted objectives of association. ââ€" Increase in deals volume ââ€" Maximize benefit ââ€" Developed deals advancement plans [pic] â†Because of occupied timetable of the representatives the meeting was very intense after a very of holding up time. â†Most of the officials were excessively occupied, along these lines to get the ideal precise information there was a need to take the earlier arrangement from them. â†half of the example size were not giving the right input (because of changed shrouded reason), in this way there will be fluctuation in the result of the investigation. â†Most of the representatives were not sure about the best possible administration (abuse) of the data gave by them. â†They were likewise regularly hesitant in distinguishing the required data. [pic] TITLE: â€Å"Advertising limited time strategy†at West Bengal Cement†Works.†Examination procedure is the technique through which the undertaking has been finished. This incorporates different wellsprings of gathering information. TARGET GROUP: The objective gathering for the study was Managers, Officers, Supervisors and of â€Å"ULTRA TECH CEMENT LIMITED†and official statements. Test SIZE: Out of 38 representatives, 35 were taken as an example for the overview Survey The organization is having modest number of staff. Along these lines, the poll was made for the most part for Managers, Officers and Supervisors. Some particular inquiries have been readied identifying with the point and have been examined so that it can satisfy the goal of the undertaking. FORMAL INTERVIEW: Formal meeting has been taken during the non top office hour. [pic] [pic] UltraTech [pic] OUR VISION TO BE PREMIUM GLOBAL CONGLOMERATE WITH A CLEAR FOCUS ON EACH BUSINESS OUR MISSION TO DELIVER SUPERIOR VALUE TO OUR CUSTOMER SHAREHOLDERS, EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY AT LARGE OUR VALUES Honesty, COMMITEMENT, PASSION SEAMLESSNESS AND SPEED UltraTech [pic] West Bengal Cement Works OUR RESOLUTIONS †2009 †¢ ‘ZERO’ BREAK DOWN †¢ GOOD HOUSE KEEPING †¢ TRUST AND SUPPORT R.B.SINGH Sr.dy.general administrator Organization PROFILE Organization Name:UltraTech Cement Limited (An Aditya Birla gathering of organization) Industry : Cement fabricating Kind of Company: Public Limited Company Unit Name Address:West Bengal Cement Works Close EPIP, MUCHIPARA, G.T. Street Post-Rajbandh Durgapur-713212 District-Burdwan West Bengal Enrolled Office : UltraTech Cement Limited B-Wing, Ahura focus, second floor Mahakali Caves Road Andheri (east), Mumbai-400093 Leading body of Executives †¢ Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman †¢ Mrs. Rajashree Birla †¢ Mr. R. C. Bhargava †¢ Mr. G. M. Dave †¢ Mr. N. J. Jhaveri †¢ Mr. S. B. Mathur †¢ Mr. V. T. Moorthy †¢ Mr. O. P. Puranmalka †¢ Mr. S. Rajgopal †¢ Mr. D. D. Rathi †¢ Mr. S. Misra, Managing Director Top managerial staff Official President Chief Financial Officer Mr. K. C. Birla Head Manufacturing Officer R.K. Shah Head Marketing Officer Mr. O. P. Puranmalka Organization Secretary Mr. S. K. Chatterjee AT THE HELM ULTRATECH The Aditya Birla Management Corporation Private Limited is the Groups peak dynamic body and gives vital heading to Group organizations. Its Board of Directors involves: †¢ Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman †¢ Mr. S. Aga †¢ Mr. D. Bhattacharya †¢ Mr. S. K. Jain †¢ Dr. S. Misra †¢ Mr. S. Misra †¢ Dr. B. K. Singh †¢ Mr. K. K. Maheshwari †¢ Mr. Vikram Rao †¢ Mr. Ajay Srinivasan Achievements [pic] 2009 †¢ Grasims mash and fiber division has won the exceptionally renowned Asian CSR Award. The Asian CSR Awards, Asias Premier CSR Awards program, is a venture of the Asian Institute of Management, Manila. †¢ The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Government of Thailand will be presented â€Å"The Best Labor Relations and Welfare Award, 2009†on Indo Thai Synthetic Company Limited. †¢ Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund has been named The Asset Management Company of the Year, India, by the Hong Kong based magazine, The Asset, in the nation grants classification of their Triple an Investment Performance Awards 2009. †¢ CNBC TV18 Crisil perceived Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund as The Mutual Fund House of the Year in 2008 and 2009 (for 2007 and 2008), making history as the main reserve house to have won this acknowledgment in two sequential years. †¢ The Birla Sun Life Equity-Linked FMP won the Best Local Currency Organized Product-India at Triple an Investment Performance Awards 2009. †¢ The Best Onshore Fund House India Award by Asian Investor, a Hong Kong based magazine at Asian Investor Investment Performance Awards 2009†. †¢ Rajiv Gandhi Award for Eminence in Social Field, 2009 was given on Mrs. Rajashree Birla by Mr. Jyotiraditya Scandia (Union Minister of State, Commerce Industry) on 19 August 2009. The honor perceives Mrs. Birlas way breaking work among poor people, all the more so in Indias towns, brought out through the Aditya Birla Center for Community Initiatives and Rural Development. †¢ Idea Cellular successes the Economic Times Emerging Company of the Year Award for 2009. Achievements [pic] 2008 †¢ The President of India, Mrs. Pratibha Patil gave the much pined for Rotary International Polio Eradication Champion Award on Mrs. Rajashree Birla in an exquisite capacity at the Rashtrapati Bhavan (Delhi), went to by the Chairman, select Rotarians and WHO authorities. †¢ The Aditya Birla Group was respected with the India Today Groups Readers Digest Gold honor in acknowledgment of the work that genuinely embodies the most elevated estimations of society just as those of Readers Digest. The honor was gotten by Mrs. Rajashree Birla, Chairperson, and Aditya Birla Center for Community Initiatives and Rural Development, at the Pegasus Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2007 capacity. Achievements [pic] 2007 †¢ Hindalco in a joint endeavor with Alex USA Inc. Tran Works Information Services declares achievement of offer to get Minacs Worldwide. †¢ Grasim Industries Limited, India; Thai Rayon Public Company Limited, Thailand and P.T. Indo Bharat Rayon, Indonesia structure a JV with Hubei Jingo Wei Chemical Fiber Company, China, for VSF. †¢ Hindalco granted the Genentech Safety Silver Award for its extraordinary wellbeing execution during 2005-06 †¢ Hindalco granted the CII Sorabji Green Business Center National Award for Excellence in Water Management 2007. [pic] 2006 †¢ Indian Rayon re-initiated as Aditya Birla Novo. †¢ Aditya Birla Group to set up a world-class aluminum venture in Orissa. †¢ The Aditya Birla Group consents to a structure arrangement to gain St Anne Nackawic Pulp Mill, Canada. †¢ Board reconstituted with Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla taking over as Chairman. †¢ Completion of the execution procedure to demerge the concrete business of LT and culmination of open proposal by Grasim, with the last securing controlling stake in the recently framed organization UltraTech. †¢ Grasim, Nada, got the FICCI Annual Award 2003-2004 in acknowledgment of corporate activity in rustic turn of events. Achievements [pic] 2005 †¢ Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman of the Group, is chosen as Business
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Strategic Change in an Organisation Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.Discuss Models of Strategic Change.2.Examine the requirement for Strategic Change in an Organisation.3.Develop Systems to Involve Stakeholders in the Planning of Change.4.Develop Appropriate Models for Change. Answers: Presentation Key change in an association is related with the adjustment in the administration and alteration in the mission, vision and destinations to accomplish a particular focused on objective. The explanation for key change in the administration is fast, powerful changes in environmental factors and unpredictable purchasing conduct of buyers (Cummings and Worley, 2014). Changes in the administration make more chances and investigate new development regions for the association. These progressions are essentially impacts by different inward just as outside components of the association. Additionally, changes in the commercial center are tireless and rivalry is likewise turning out to be serious step by step. What's more, to meet with these contemporary changes and serious condition, key changes in the administration are basic to alter hypothesis and arranging of the association. The key change intercession improves the authoritative profitability and capacities at various level. It fortifies the individual and group reaction with the dynamic initiative. It gets changes from current key point of an association with the progress in pined for future key objectives (Cummings and Worley, 2014). Along these lines, this examination is featuring the noteworthy changes in an association. For this reason, arranging changes has been investigated with hypothesis and relating issues in model for changes. It likewise shows the methodology of progress created including partners of the association. Aside from that, the report has additionally been bolstered by truthful data on key change venture. 1.Models of Strategic Change The fundamental impact that powers vital change in an association involves interior just as outside variables. Where, changes are perpetual in the present business world, it is required to guarantee the serious situation of the association by building up the key model of progress (Hiatt, 2006). The model ought to be considered with the future wanted authoritative destinations and current condition of the firm. Along these lines, for this reason a portion of the model of progress is depicted as follows: Lewin's Model of Change Management: This model was made by Kurt Lewin in 1950 who was a clinician. According to his surmising, he found that individuals needs to bargain and work inside their own space and security zone (Simms, 2008). To change the administration situation and investigate openings, he clarified the procedure in three phases that are first, Unfreeze-the executives should put forth attempts and propel its staff to drop out of this demeanor and occupancy. Second is Transition which prompts major and ceaseless changeover through consolation and able authority by the administration (Simms, 2008). Third is Refreeze, after usage of procedure effectively, staff should follow new rules and control which is refreezing the staff. However, Lewin's Model set aside effort to sanction, yet it is the most straightforward and viable approach to create change in the executives. Kotter's 8 stages Change Model: John Kotter is the engineer of this Model of progress that intends to transform the progress into a crusade. Pioneers articulate the prerequisite and explanation behind the change to their staff; they guarantee those organizations profit and guarantee their development planned to their workers (Kotter, 2012). This earnest requirement for change empowers workers to obtain and authorize changes in the association. The model involves eight stages as follows: 1) create perception and earnestness for change in the association. 2) Selection of devoted and dedicated key colleagues. 3) Set goals and foresightedness for change engaged with the procedure. 4) Establish a sound comprehension with respect to change necessity (Kotter, 2012). 5) Motivate and rouse colleagues for change in the association. 6) Set anticipated targets and point of the association for momentary application. 7) Try to acknowledge the adjustment in the association and tail it consistently. 8) Make it a since quite a while ago continued vital objective for the association (Kotter, 2012). These means are exceptionally simple to develop and progressively centered around acknowledgment and groundwork for change. In any case, no progression can be skipped and the procedure sets aside a long effort to finish. ADKAR Model for Change: This model is explicitly for change in the administration and one of the most executed models for vital change in an association created by Prosci. It depends on the five components that must be worried for the change managing in singular level adequately (Hiatt, 2006). ADKAR abbreviation utilized as Awareness of the reason for change, Desire to include in huge change, Knowledge on the technique and legitimate usage for managing circumstance and Ability to embrace the progressions decidedly executing new conduct and insight (Talloo, 2007). Last is Reinforcement for unending change and keeping up it with the helpless condition. McKinsey 7-S system: It has been found in 1980s by McKinsey and Company which is actualized with the focal point of 7 phases. The means are as per the following: Structure that gives the assessment of structure of the organization and potential to execute the model of progress. Framework centers around the refreshing and disposes of old framework and supplanted with new one (Cummings and Worley, 2009). Aptitudes it will be utilized to improve the impact of progress in the association by using capacities and skilled workers and key accomplices of the firm. From that point onward, Staff is liable for the fruitful execution of progress, in this way individuals of business ought to be from decent variety and their turnover structure ought to be prcised. Technique the adept methodology will be chosen by the serious examination and its models execution can choose the fate of the association (Cummings and Worley, 2009). Last is Shared worth it is crucial goals that are anticipated by means of progress in the administration by everyone partners of the organization Importance of models with current economy Each adjustment in an association ought to be executed gradually, deliberately and consistently. According to Kotter's model of progress, the usage of any change ought to be fused bit by bit and not by racing into change. Furthermore, the present business condition is entirely capricious which requires criticalness for the adjustment in Organization consistently. Thus association ought to consistently move and inspire its representatives with earnest need and with lucid cognizance of the idea of progress (Reed, 2017). The present economy is firmly unsure and strongly serious, in this way it requires some economical way to deal with manage the circumstance. Alongside this, it is essential for an association to coordinate its partners extraordinarily workers in the arranging and system of progress. It will assist the organization with utilizing them as an important resource of the association and bring their steadfastness and duty towards association. Besides, if an organization can't convey the requirement for change to its representatives or embraces a humble method to manage the change, it will for sure desert the procedure of progress. Thus, it will decreases nature and debilitate workers for the change. So as to stay away from this circumstance, Kotter's model of progress will help organization in beating the unpredictable condition and upgrade the association (Griffin and Moorhead, 2011). Hence, pioneers of the organization must understandable their technique unmistakably and productively to address the change fittingly. The board ought to likewise altogether concentrate on the dynamic interest of colleagues that empower and improve the change successfully. Aside from this present, Lewin's and ADKAR model of progress is increasingly clear to manage the issues in encompassing. The top administration go about as a peruser and give full position and certainty to the representatives or colleagues to act in the change. Also, the model underscored on the usage of sound correspondence framework between the group and top level administration. For this reason, they dispatch new types of gear and procedures to determine the issue (Reed, 2017). To roll out the improvement static they give adept award to the group that spurs and urge them to join change all the more viably. This methodology was likewise executed by Samsung Company because of serious and social weight. Top administration of organization shows trust in its group and approve them for annihilating their low quality handsets. In this way, this case shows that the Lewin's model of progress can be applied at the hour of odd and unfavorable conditions, for example, political or legitimate changes in the earth (Reed, 2017). Significance of utilizing key mediation strategies in association Systems and methods to comprehend the issues related with the adjustments in the business condition are centered around the drawn out objectives and manageability. In like manner, the usage of vital mediation ought to be done in suitable planning and with certain mindfulness else It might influence the association hurtfully. It makes bleak in the interior condition of the association and debilitate colleagues (ASL, 2015). Social mediation is a significant piece of the board and holds a lofty position which eases the development and advancement of an association. So also, its execution in association will engage the business procedure and correspondence language and helps the board in coordinating and controlling their business staff effectually. What's more, the procedure in the usage of the change is the board is important to give a situational mindfulness that concentrations to assemble an understanding about the change and its effect on different associations, qualities and attributes (Boonstra, 2013). Alongside this, it likewise empowers the sup
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome After Detoxing
Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome After Detoxing Addiction Coping and Recovery Overcoming Addiction Print Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome After Detoxing By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD on November 21, 2019 twitter linkedin Daniel B. Block, MD, is an award-winning, board-certified psychiatrist who operates a private practice in Pennsylvania. Learn about our Medical Review Board Daniel B. Block, MD Updated on February 20, 2020 Aziz Ary Neto / Getty Images More in Addiction Coping and Recovery Overcoming Addiction Methods and Support Personal Stories Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use In the first few days or weeks of staying away from drugs or other addicting substances, individuals often experience acute withdrawal symptoms.?? The severity of these symptoms can vary from person and person and is usually dependent upon what substance the person was addicted to. Once the acute withdrawal symptoms subside, post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) may set in. Symptoms of PAWS PAWS can be a major barrier for many pursuing recovery from addiction. The symptoms involved in PAWS can vary and are dependent upon many factors, such as the type of dependency, physical size and gender, and overall health. PAWS is unique as compared to other withdrawal issues because of how extensive it is; PAWS can last from six months up to two years after the person stops using the substance.?? Common symptoms include: Irritability, aggression or hostilityDepression, sadness, and anxietyMood swings with severe highs and lowsLow energyFatigue or insomniaThought fogLimited ability to focusLack of interest in sexChronic pain Causes of PAWS While most recreational drugs and even alcohol can cause PAWS symptoms, some drugs are more likely to trigger PAWS than others. According to American Addiction Centers, these include:?? Marijuana: Stopping marijuana use can cause insomnia, which if left untreated, can lead to PAWS.Cocaine: For weeks and even months after becoming sober, prolonged symptoms of impulse control and depression is possible among those recovering from cocaine addiction.Methamphetamine: For those recovering from meth addiction, impulse control functions are inhibited, sometimes for years.Opiates: After cessation of opiate use, people can experience PAWS symptoms for months, including insomnia, anxiety, depression and decreased impulse control.Benzodiazepines: Since many people receive a prescription for benzodiazepines for conditions like depression or anxiety, ending that dependency can be particularly difficult. Stop taking the medication, and symptoms of anxiety can return as well as PAWS symptoms, which can worsen the initial issue as well. Many people will experience panic attacks or extreme anxiety or insomnia during their withdrawal period. Recovering from this dependency often requi res significant oversight from a therapist or doctor.?? Withdrawal From Drug Addiction How Long Does PAWS Last? Unfortunately, there is no set timeline for how long PAWS will last. It is very dependent on the substance abused, duration of addiction and the physical health of the individual. Some people may experience minimal withdrawal symptoms that may last for days or just a few weeks; others will continue to experience PAWS symptoms for years. While PAWS can be severe, it can be controlled with professional oversight and medical intervention. Access to resources such as support groups, therapy or some medication, such as Acamprosate, which is often used to treat those with alcohol addiction, which is prescribed and monitored by a physician, can help mitigate the worst of the symptoms.?? This can allow you to get back to normal life, even as you face withdrawal. Personalized care and long-term support from both addiction specialists and family can help recovery significantly. Therapy can help people manage withdrawal symptoms as they occur and remain in recovery without relapse. While withdrawal symptoms like PAWS can be long-lasting and severe, they are worth working through in order to reach recovery. If you or someone you love is facing addiction issues, its important to consult with a doctor or therapist. How Long Does Withdrawal Last?
Friday, May 22, 2020
Organic vs. Conventional Foods Essay - 1119 Words
With the world’s population continuing to increase, the demand for food is higher than ever. This increase in food demand also calls for more efficient ways of growing and providing the food. Two methods that are very controversial are the organic and conventional method. While many people support the organic method because of its known benefits, others feel that it is an over inflated industry that cheats consumers out of their money. But recently many studies have disproved those critics. These studies prove that Organic food is a better choice than conventional because it is better for the environment, avoids the use of chemicals, and is generally more beneficial. To help keep crops from being destroyed, conventional farmers use†¦show more content†¦It is also shown that pesticides are partly responsible for the rising cancer rates and birth defects among children (â€Å"Pesticides†). Organic farming methods avoid the use of these chemicals and rely on natural method to control crops (â€Å"Farming, Organics†). Examples of these methods are crop rotation, which consists of planting different crops every year and disrupts the life cycle of pests and provides a natural fertilizer (â€Å"Farming, Organics†). Organic farmers also use natural fertilizers such as sulfur and interplanting methods that alternate crops in the field, which discourages pests to live there (â€Å"Farming, Organics†). By not using multiple chemicals to control crops, organic farming also ends up being better for the environment. Organic farmers use natural fertilizers such as manure so that they do not release artificial chemicals into the ground (â€Å"Organic Food†). In June of 1999 a report made by the U.S. Geologic Survey, found that most waterways and ground water supplies in both urban and rural areas contained enough pesticides to endanger aquatic life (â€Å"pesticides†). These chemicals can also leak into streams and encourage the growth of algae and intoxicate the water (â€Å"298 John P. Reganold et.al†). Furthermore studies have found that water contaminated with pesticides may accumulate in theShow MoreRelatedOrganic vs. Conventional Food1235 Words  | 5 PagesOrganic vs. Conventional Food In the United States consumers are inundated with every option imaginable for food. Among those options is the choice of organic or conventional food. Health experts will tout the virtues of organic food as being better for the consumer and preventing many diseases, however, there seems to be more to it than that. When speaking with friends, especially those living on a budget, the philosophy leans more towards the difference between fresh and processed food, andRead MoreOrganic Vs Conventional Food Vs Organic Food Essay954 Words  | 4 PagesOrganic versus Conventional Food Are you concerned about the health of yourself and that of your family when walking through the grocery store? You should be. You might be surprised to learn about chemicals known to exist in the conventional foods we eat daily. Ever wonder why apples are so shiny? A coating of shellac is applied to apples to give them a shiny coating, prolonging their shelf life, and prevent bruising. You might reconsider the next time you reach for the shiniest red apple and rememberRead MoreOrganic Foods And Farming Vs. Conventional Foods1902 Words  | 8 Pages Over the last few years, awareness of organic food has risen. Due to this, the demand for organic food is a factor which is influencing the farmers to switch to use this technique, and it is being sold in specialty stores and conventional supermarkets. Organic products contain numerous marketing claims that it is healthier, it offers more value, and the farming is more environmentally friendly than traditional foods, so, how does one d etermine if organic is the way to go? Some argue that thereRead MoreApa Syphilis650 Words  | 3 Pagesconsume conventional produce to choose organic food ------------------------------------------------- Food or Fungus: Conventional vs Organic 1. Introduction- Have you ever asked yourself, how healthy your food really is? We will provide information on the subject for you. With spending money on foods, which has a great impact on the body, to helping our environment; we will be discussing the pros and cons of organic vs conventional foods. 2. Body Part 1 Pros – Organic foods can beRead MoreEveryone Should Buy Organic Food.1228 Words  | 5 PagesPERSUASIVE SPPECH PREPARATION OUTLINE Title: | Everyone should buy organic food | General purpose: | To persuade | Specific purpose: | To persuade my audience to buy organic food | Central idea: | Organic food is the best food for consumers instead of conventional food | Organizational pattern: | Problem, problem, problem | I. INTRODUCTION | A. Open with impact/ Attention getter: | Let’s imagine. One day you are in a supermarket and you decided to buy vegetables. Well, they are allRead MoreOrganic Farming Produces Organic Food1220 Words  | 5 Pagescan Pronounce It The word Organic can be defined in multiple ways but what the word basically means that the product is derived from living matter. Organic farming produces organic food. The goal is to encourage soil and water conservation, reduce pollution, and constrain conventional methods to fertilize and control weeds. According to the U.S Food and Drug Administration â€Å"The term organic is not defined by law or regulations FDA enforces.†Foods that are organic does not necessarily meanRead MoreOrganic Farming Practices ( Non Organic )1702 Words  | 7 Pages Akamai Mahi’ai Amber Moniz Morgan Brailo Leilehua High School Table of Contents Page 2: Table of Contents Page 3: Abstract Page 4: Organic Farming Practices Page 5: Conventional Farming Practices (Non Organic) Page 8: Conclusion Page 10: Citation Abstract Centuries ago, ancient civilizations learned how to take plants that they found flourishing in nearby areas and grow them conveniently for their own use. The advancement of technology, and the evolution of farming practices has created a greatRead MoreOrganic Food Is Better Than Conventional Food940 Words  | 4 PagesOrganic food is a current topic in today’s healthful world. There are different sides to the organic food argument. One is that organic food is much better than conventional food. The other is that conventional food is just as good as organic and more for your dollar. To some families organic food is more then they can afford because of the extra work that is required to grow it. People say that organic food is better because it has no chemicals or fertilizer in it but that is not true because theyRead MoreThe Effects Of Pesticides On Organic Farming1653 Words  | 7 Pagesfarmers noticed a decrease in soil quality and crop health due to the use of chemical fertilizers (â€Å"Pesticides in Organic†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 1). This drop in soil quality left the farmers no other choice but to cease the use of chemical ferti lizers and begin implementing less harmful supplements in order to improve crop quality (â€Å"An Oral History†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). This less invasive method of farming, otherwise known as organic farming, takes into account â€Å"the medium and long-term effect of agricultural interventions†(â€Å"What Are the Environmental†¦Ã¢â‚¬ )Read MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Organic Farming1035 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is better organic farming or conventional farming? This is a question that all farmers face. Each type of farming as its own benefits and disadvantages. Organic farming and conventional farming are different in many different ways. I know farmers from both sides. I know farmers who practice organic farming and I also know farmers who practice conventional farming as well as some farmers who use a combination of the two types of farming. But I have never really know all of the differences between
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Benefits of Financial Aid Essay Samples Psychology
The Benefits of Financial Aid Essay Samples Psychology The Financial Aid Essay Samples Psychology Game When you learn the methods to compose an essay, there are only a few things that have to be considered beforehand. For instance, some folks, I included, sometimes use it in order to draw attention to their most recent blog post along with providing the sensation of being. In summary, Twitter is transforming the everyday lives of those using the service and is going to have a gigantic international effect on how millions of individuals relate to one another. It's been said that the reason behind the huge quantity of students leaving the question blank is due to the confusing fashion where the question was asked. There are others around who can still create the world a better place. Tell them a real story of the huge things you have done. Be certain that your essay is neatly typed, and that there's plenty of white space' on the webpage. Think about finally buying something, after you are finished, that you've been contemplating buying for quite a while but couldn't buy it for some reason. If you know the appropriate means to compose a finance essay, you also have to understand how to respond to a number of the inquiries about the subject, since a noble conclusion isn't going to leave any inquiry unanswered. Rather, you need to focus on articulating detailed reasons that are particular to your circumstance. Occasionally there'll be overlap with different answers, and you'll need to use your judgment on the level to which you should reiterate important ideas. Edit carefully, and provide the readers a complete view of your circumstance. More employers will be eager to hire you and offer much better pay packages. If you get a financial aid need, they will supply you with need-based aid. This aid is given to students because neither they nor their families have all the resources required to cover a college education. Financial aid is money in the shape of loans, grants and employment that's available to a student to help pay the price of attending. The worth of education is something I have understood since an extremely young age. The most important advantage of scholarships is that you receive money but do not need to pay anything back like with loans, as an example. Finally, in addition, there are some colleges that provide awards from their own funds or from money received from several organizations. Some scholarships will just request a statement of financial need. Financial Aid Essay Samples Psychology for Dummies College is extremely expensive. Speak about your career targets, if at all possible. Or if there's a football match or some other game that it is possible to go to. You don't need to pay the money back. The actual folks highly praise our essay help site. As a prospective student, it's your duty to make sure you pick the one that will fulfill your professional targets. These students have families they will need to support. Loans are borrowed money that has to be repaid over a time period, usually after the student leaves school. Student loans are always an alternative, but a little creativity is all that is required to create the college experience significantly cheaper. Make certain you tie your particular objectives to other elements of your application. The college application procedure is competitive. It should be completed at least one month prior to the semester you are planning to attend. Your application needs to be typewritten and neat. You will have to submit an application for financial aid each year by completing a FAFSA. There are several sorts of scholarships that are readily available.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How to Successfully Expand your Business into the Africa Free Essays
Import and export figures are also significantly higher for emerging markets and developing economies compared to advanced economies. Looking at these projections as an business or investor should have you seriously considering expanding your business or portfolio into these regions and tap into these revenue. Introduction Today world is becoming less and less defined by its boundaries, the words â€Å"Global Village†and used to reference this evolution. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Successfully Expand your Business into the Africa or any similar topic only for you Order Now Business is at the fore front of breaking these boarders. Technological advances in communication especially via the World Wide Web have broken down the barriers enabling a business in America to sell rodents in a consumer in China, England, Brazil, Kenya†¦. Anywhere the internet is present can now be included in a business’s target market. Not only can businesses sell goods and services anywhere in the world, the can also have operation there and be able to communicate and collaborate with colleagues and other partners more efficiently and affordable than even before. Given these facts then why do businesses choice to do trade with one country over another and not both or as many as possible? We the simple answer to this question is that there many other barriers to read with foreign countries that will make it hard or even impossible for foreign business to expand into those regions. African countries have been one of those that many businesses in developed countries have refrained from doing business with. And in their defense it’s not without merit. Despite African being blessed with an abundance of natural resources, it has been plagues with wars, and political instability leading to high levels of poverty, lack of education and poor infrastructure. However over the last two decades, many of these countries have made strides in utter there economies, and have registered high economic growth during this period. However even with these changes, not many foreign business have taken note of these region as potentially significant part of the market. Even with slow economic growth rates among developed countries. Africa is poised to be the next big market, especially as things slowly wind down in Asia notably China. The purpose of this project is to establish a successful strategy for American Businesses to expand into the African Market Is this a profitable market? The African economy has seen a significant economic growth of the past two cascades. The economic growth rate is two to three times that of developed countries and still significantly higher than that of other emerging economies like Asia and Latin America. The middle class has shown a sharp rise over the last decade, raising the amount of people with discretionary income thus driving the economy. This growth spike is driven by the growth of the middle class. The middle class growth has happened as Africa makes strides in education, infrastructure, and political stability in many countries. Compared to Just about 10 years ago, a huge economic growth can be noticed. From a similar research project conducted written in 2004 titled †The experience of South African Firms Doing Business in Africa’ we can see Just how the economy and other factors have changed. In June 2003, the International Monetary Fund (MIFF) observed that macroeconomic policies in Africa had improved considerably in recent years, although inflation remained a source of worry in a number of countries such as Zombie, Angola, Somalia and Nigeria. In its April World Outlook, the MIFF maintained that the central challenge for Africa remained the establishment of those conditions necessary to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, most notably a sustained reduction in poverty. However, to achieve these goals, an overall growth rate of 7% per annum is required. Far from reaching that goal, Africans economic growth slowed to 3. 1% in 2002, compared with 4. 3% the previous year. (Games 2004) Fast forward to 2013 that goal of 7% growth is being attained by several African countries. If you look at the latest MIFF data for economic growth in table 1. MIFF 2013 The average growth for many of the African countries, is at 6. 9% in 2013 and raising up to 7. 9 in 2014. The map further shows where parts are recording these phenomenal growth rates. A 7% average annual growth rate is too significant to Just be ignored. This growth creates an increased demand for goods and services that usually cannot be meet by current businesses and government. Deutsche Bank said the number of households with discretionary income would reach 130 million by 2020 from 85 million now. Cape Argus [South Africa] 14 Novo. 2013) What industries are most profitable? A developing counties or emerging economies the African market has opportunities for business in every industry. This region is playing catch up with developed countries thus means the opportunities for foreign businesses who have already one it can bring with them experience and expertise to contribute to this growth will turning a profit. Retail is one of sub-Sahara Africans hottest sectors, fuelled by expanding populations and fast growing economies. In east Africa, the economies of several nations are growing around 7 percent a year. Real income growth in Africa is averaging 2. 3 percent a year and consumer spending accounts for 60 percent of economic output, the World Bank said in April. Deutsche Bank said the number of households with discretionary income would reach 130 million by 2020 from 85 million now. That’s really good news for shops. Daily News [Colombo, Sir Lankan] 14) Africans tourism growth was faster than the average for emerging economies. More than half of Africans tourists arrived by air. International tourist arrivals in Africa had grown almost fivefold since 1990 at a rate of 6. 3 percent a year. International tourist arrivals rose from 15 million a year in 1990 to 50 million in 2011. The growth rate in sub-Sahara African tourism arrivals was nearly 8 percent a year between 1990 and 2011. It is estimated that tourism injects more than $30 billion (Rabin) into the continent a year. Airbus said there had been some positive improvements across the egging despite continued impediments to growth. (Cape Times [South Africa] 1 Novo. 013) What are the barriers? These are: Low levels of development and insufficient investment in people as resources; Political and fiscal risk. A weak private sector, coupled with a strong government presence in the economy; High dependency on donors and other financial mechanisms for aid and the funding of projects; High business costs owing to the lack of basic services, facilities, infrastructure, development, competition and resources; Insu fficient air and road links; Poor leadership and bad governance; Corruption at all levels of government; High costs of finance due to high risk and weak economies Currency fluctuations. (Games 2004) This list of barriers to doing business in Africa are from a decade ago, at present not all of them have been corrected but significant steps have been taken to fix reduce or eliminate them. In Africa, foreign investors beware: business is often a family affair. Just ask Wall-Mart , the world’s largest retailer. Daily News [Colombo, Sir Lankan] 14) Political climate Tunis: The eighth annual African Economic Conference concluded today, calling on development and business leaders to turn Africa into a hub of business and development excellence. The conference, Jointly organized each year by the African Development Bank (BFD), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ACE) and the United Nations Development Programmer (UNDO), brought together 500 decision-makers and development practitioners. Daily the Peak Banker 2013) Infrastructure SCALING up infrastructure investments and ad opting modern methods of management have been identified as significant benchmark in releasing potentials in the business sector to contribute immensely to economic growth of the East African Community (EACH) partner states. (Tanzania Daily News 2013) â€Å"We need investment n infrastructure, our roads and ports,†(African news service 2013) Countries to avoid Why sub-Sahara Africa and not north? Growth will weaken in north Africa dues to slow down among oil exporters (miff pop) Sub-Sahara Africa is expected to continue growing at a strong pace during 2013-14, with both resource-rich and lower-income economies benefiting from robust domestic demand (Figure 2. 15). The external environment is the main source of risks to growth, particularly for middle- income and mineral-exporting economies. Given the still-uncertain global environment, countries whose policy buffers are thin and here growth is strong should seek to rebuild fiscal positions without undermining productive investment. miff pop) The generally strong per- performance is based to a significant extent on ongoing investment in infrastructure and productive capacity, continuing robust consumption, and the activation of new capacity in extractive sectors. (MFC pop) . In sub-Sahara Africa as a whole, inflation is projected to fall further to 7 percent in 2013 (miff pop) The frequency of growth takeoffs in low-income cou ntries (Lies) has risen markedly during the past two decades, and these takeoffs have lasted longer than those that took place before the sass. Economic structure has not mattered much in sparking takeoffs-?takeoffs have been achieved by Lies rich in resources and by those oriented toward manufacturing. A striking similarity between recent takeoffs and those before the sass is that they have been associated with higher investment and national saving rates and with stronger export growth, which sets them apart from Lies that were unable to take off and confirms the key role of capital accumulation and trade integration in development. However, recent takeoffs stand out from earlier takeoffs in two important aspects. First, today’s yeoman Lies have achieved strong growth without building macroeconomic imbalances-?as reflected in declining inflation, more com- appetite exchange rates, and appreciably lower public and external debt accumulation. For resource-rich Lies, this has been due to a much greater reliance on foreign direct invest- meet (FED). For other Lies, strong growth was achieved despite lower investment levels than in the previous genera- Zion. Second, recent takeoffs are associated with a faster pace of implementing productivity-enhancing structural reforms and strengthening institutions. For example, these Lies have a lower regulatory burden, better infrastructure, higher education levels, and greater political stability. Looking for- ward, there remain many challenges to maintaining strong growth performance in today’s dynamic Lies, including the concentration of their growth in only a few sectors and the need to diversify their economies, and ensuring that growth leads to broad- based improvements in living standards. Still, if these countries succeed in preserving their improved policy foundation and maintaining their momentum in structural reform, they seem more likely to stay on course and avoid the reversals in economic fortunes that afflicted many dynamic Lies in the past. miff 97) In particular, the follow- ins have become more important: a more competitive exchange rate, deeper export links with other Modes, higher human capital levels, initial levels of income per capita, and overall economic size. Indeed, as global trade and competition increase, greater external competitiveness, export diversification, and productive- itty improvements may raise Lies’ chances of takeoff relatively more than when the global economy is less integrated. The baseline results suggest that the chances of take- off more than tripled during the sass compared with the period before 1990 (Figure 4. 11). The predicted (miff Pl 10) How can barriers to entry be overcome? He said that in order to kick-start a major investment drive on the continent, these banks should partner with institutions such as the Bank Guest Francine De Development, the Africa Finance Corporation and Cairo-based Brinkman. Pressed on whether he had considered the Industrial Development Corporation and the Development Bank of Southern African, he said these too should be considered for partnering and leveraging with bigger commercial banks. (Cape Times [South Africa] 1 Novo. 2013) â€Å"Business on the continent is a relationship, not Just a transaction. If you miss the relationship you will have endless trouble with the transaction. †Building relationships in Africa is an important part of doing business, particularly for South Africans who have to work at countering the perception that they are the new colonizers, the bully boys who have taken over markets, pushing out local businesses. (Games 2004) Are other countries already doing business in this region successfully? About 80 business people have been given advice about increasing exports to Africa. The event, held yesterday in Quern, was hosted by Government agency I-J Trade and Investment (KIT). Susann Hutting, of the East Midlands office, said most of the delegates had already traded with Africa and were looking for ways to increase their sales to the continent. â€Å"Lots of people were looking for different information about exporting more,†she said. (Leister Mercury Novo. ) Which developed countries are doing business here? Asks, who was born in South Africa, said â€Å"everyone is keen on Africa†, including investment banks in the EX. and North America. They had billions of dollars available to invest on the continent but did not know the regulatory terrain and the pitfalls of coal investment markets. He had been in discussions with many of the international banks. â€Å"They are all asking†¦ Are you [Airbus] formulating a strategy for Africa? †(Cape Times [South Africa] 1 Novo. 2013) Marriott International, the New York Stock Exchange-listed international hospitality group, is planning to acquire the brands and management business of Protean Hotels in South Africa and sub-Sahara Africa. The US group confirmed yesterday that it had signed a letter of intent with Cape Town-based Protean Hospitality Holdings to acquire Protean Hotels’ brands and its management business. Protean Hotels operates or franchises 116 hotels across three brands with 10 184 rooms in South Africa and six other sub-Sahara African countries. (cape times 2013) How are other business from other foreign countries doing? Natural growth of African-based aviation would see the number of aircraft needed to serve the markets for flights to, from and within the continent rising from 618 at the start of 2012 to a projected 1 453 by 2031. It was projected that 122 aircraft of the existing 618 would have to be replaced, while 823 would have to be brought on stream. This meant nearly 1 000 new aircraft would be needed in the next 20 years. How to cite How to Successfully Expand your Business into the Africa, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Operations management assignment free essay sample
Based on the data provided: China is the most economical location to product the items having lower labor cost of $0. 44 per unit. B) Considering both labor and transportation cost, which is the most favorable production location? Data: Transportation cost and labor cost per unit LOCATION (amount per unit)+ (transportation cost)TOTAL COST Cambodia$. 45 + $1. 50/unit$1. 95 China$. 44 + $1. 00/unit$1. 44 Billings, Montana$1. 20 + $. 25/unit$1. 45 Based on the data provided: China is the most favorable production location based on labor and transportation cost of $1. 44. per unit. Problem No. 2 Analyze bids for 200 polished disk used in solar panels. Data: BIDS FOR 200 SOLAR PANEL DISK COMPANYBIDBID AMOUNT IN DOLLARS Thailand Polishing2000 baht ($1=10 baht$200. 00 India Shine2000 rupee ($1=8 rupee)$250. 00 Sacramento Glow$200. 00$200. 00 a)Company to choose: Thailand Polishing and Sacramento Glow having lower bids of $200. 00 each compare to $250. 00 bid of India Shine. b)If final destination is New Delhi, India and there is 30% import tax, which firm should you choose? BIDS FOR 200 SOLAR PANEL DISK COMPANYLocation30% import taxTotal cost (bid) + (30% import tax)Total amount Thailand PolishingThailandyes0. We will write a custom essay sample on Operations management assignment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 00 + $60. 00$260. 00 India ShineIndiano$250. 00 + $0$250. 00 Sacramento GlowSacramentoyes$200. 00 + $60. 00$260. 00 India Shine is the best firm to choose if the final destination of the product is New Delhi India since no import tax will be paid, thus having the lowest cost.
Friday, March 20, 2020
International Management Group
International Management Group International Management Group is a business venture that was rapidly expanding with Southeast Asia being its latest phase of tremendous growth. Its founder and president Mark McCormack was reflecting on the journey the company had taken to become one of the most popular group in the entire globe.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on International Management Group specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As for the year 2000, the corporation’s market value of American sports stood at $200 billion and with this making it the nation’s eleventh largest industry. Among IMGs achievements was the fact that the business was a representative of talented and powerful athletes. These include tennis players Venus and Serena Williams and golf superstar Tiger Woods. In an effort to develop, the company had ventured in to other kinds of business such as owning and managing sporting events, television production, operating sp orts training academies, and engaging in other businesses apart from sports related ones. At the age, of 71 years, McCormack was on the verge of preparing for retirement, but, this was not the main issue at hand. The first issue was for the founder and president of IMG- McCormack to prepare the following board on ways to add value to the company’s clients and strengthen the company’s competitive position. The company having already broadened its scope of business the next crucial step is to maintain and preserve the current clients. At the same, the business needs to attract more top talent to the business. The new leadership that will come in place together with the current administration should focus on bringing on board more sports celebrities. This recruitment will be an indication of their excellent work and development. For instance, bringing on board other top golfers aside from Tiger Woods will be beneficial to the company, as it will enhance their credentials. Sports and musical fields are areas that grow with time meaning that today Tiger Woods could be the greatest golfer, but, in the next two years, someone else will have the title. Having some top golfers on board will broaden their scope of activities and, therefore, maintain the company on the market. On the other hand, restricting the size and diversity of IMG’s portfolio will only work against the company’s already popular name.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are several competitors in the sports market for instance; the formation of Octagon was through merger of Advantage and API and its time IMG cemented its roots by employing various management tools. For instance, re- structuring the company’s management team will help boost the business’s idea, as most people will be on the management board. Since the business is focu sing on expansion and growth through venturing in to other businesses, it is essential that it consider obtaining highly trained and experienced specialists who will be responsible for guiding the business team in the other areas of business. For instance, the thought of venturing in to a new sport apart from golf and tennis will call for experienced people in those fields that the founder McCormack is not familiar. The employment of experienced people will minimize cases of agents stealing clients, as was the case in 1999 when agent Jeffrey Schwartz quit IMG and left with three tennis stars. Experienced legal firms with specialization in entertainment and sports contracts would have been critical in the above situation. The re-structuring of the business management will allow other people to contribute towards the administration of the business and avoid the aspect of the company trying to work out everything on its own. In as much as the venturing into other sports is a questionab le step, the company will take necessary measures to ensure there is no divergence of interests in its services. This will avoid cases such as the 1991 lawsuit by Dorothy Hamill. The expansion approach that the IMG has taken by exploring untapped international market in sports and entertainment will sustain the company in the business for another longer period. The broader the business it enters in the international market the more they require highly trained and experienced specialists to help them handle the international business affairs.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Last Minute Guide to Cramming for the ACT 10 Tips
Last Minute Guide to Cramming for the ACT 10 Tips SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The ACT is upon us, and it seems fair to assume (since you're reading this article) that you're under-prepared. If you've got less than three weeks before the exam and haven't really studied yet, you're officially cramming for the ACT. Now, if you're willing and able to put in some 60 hours of preparation before the test, take a moment to read our cram plan for those very circumstances. If that doesn't sound realistic for your circumstances, though, read on to discover the most useful strategies you can employ to get up to speed on the test in a pinch. We'll cover tips specific to each part of the test, as well as some global advice on topics like guessing and keeping a level head on test day. General Guidance:Work Hard, Rest Well It's important to put serious, committed effort into cramming for the ACT.You should go all out on the test, and you need to practice what that's really like. Plus, with limited time, you need to work especially hard to make the most of your studying. However, it's important to take care of yourself, too.A day or two before the test, slow down the pace. Don't stop preparation altogether, but focus on recuperating from the past several days of pushing so hard. Focus on getting good sleep. It takes more than just one night to catch up on those z's, and fatigue is not your friend on test day. Pay attention to your mindset. As cheesy as this may sound, ask yourself whether you're looking at the test through the lens of a glass half-empty or a glass half-full. Remember, this is an opportunity to excel at the test. Pay attention to your stress level, too. Nerves are healthy- they can give us the adrenaline we need to complete Herculean tasks. Pure stress is less helpful- it freezes us up and tears us down. Finally, take a realistic view of the test. It's important; I'm definitely not denyingthat. However, it's not a matter of life and death- so don't treat it like one. Wear your reality goggles when you look at the test. Preparation Strategies Let's talk about some specific, actionable steps to take between now and the test. #1: Take a Practice Test This is a crucial step; taking a practice testwill help you get used to the format and directions of the test, not to mention practice the content. You don't want to spend a lot of time sorting through instructions on test day, so use the practice test to work out any kinks. Also, knowing what you're up against on the test will help ease the anxiety you're likely to feel. For every answer you get wrong, take the time to read the explanation ofwhy that answer is wrong. This is an important first step towards understanding the way the test-makers think. Use your performance on each section to determine which task (English, Math, Reading, Science, or Writing) is your weakest. Focus your energy there. #2: Practice, Practice, and Practice Some More Practice with sample problems, and drill the ones that are a challenge for you. That being said, don't burn yourself out; try to situate yourself in the sweet spotof studying, between about one andthreehours a day(on average). There's more information on what to practice and drill as we continue on below. Mostly, though, try to use as many official practice materials as you can. #3: English - Review the Basic Rules of English Review some basic grammar rules, including: Punctuation marks (and how they function) Basic sentence structures (and how they function) Parts of speech (and how they function) Now, it's all about how these concepts are put into practice. You won't be asked to parrot rules; you'll be asked to apply them to passages in context. As an experiment, take a text that you trust to be error-free, and work through part of it, identifying what's going on with the punctuation, structure, etc. That's "English" the language, not "English" the nationality. #4: Reading- Immerse Yourself in Literature Read (a lot). This doesn't have to mean holing up with a giant volume for hours on end- just keep reading on hand for spare moments throughout the day. Don't read just any old thing, though- Calvin and Hobbes is sadly not going to help. Read material that feels a little tough- newspapers, academic journals, challenging books, etc. Iknow you know how to read; that's not the issue. The question is your level of comfort with being immersed in a difficult text and your willingness to reach beyond your comfort zone. I've acted Shakespeare professionally, and it still takes me a little time to adjust to the language I'm hearing when I go see a Shakespearean play. That's because I'm not immersed in it every single day; it would be a different matter if I were. By loose analogy, getting regularly cozy with tricky writing leading up to the ACT will save you some discomfort on test day. Read critically and analytically, not passively. Engage with the text- ask questions, look for answers, and make observations. This is the quickest path to understanding a text on the level the ACT requires. The test is going to ask you questions that require more than a once-over, surface-level familiarity with the text, so, again, you'll be glad to be comfortable with the literary delving process on test day. #5: Math- Get to KnowYour Formulas The ACT, unlike the SAT, does not give you any kind of formula list- so get memorizing. The more complex geometric formulas will be given to you in the context of the question- but the bulk of it all you need to provide on your own. Memorize at least themost crucial formulas, and make sure you know how to apply them. #6: Science - Find Scientific Writing to Analyze Don't worry about cramming actual scientific facts and data- you should be more concerned with being able to interpret the facts and data being given to you. Read scientific publications with a decent reputation (like Popular Science), and spend extra time poring over all thecharts and graphs that you find. Beyond that, keep up the pace with drilling practice passages. #7: Writing - Debate, on Paper or in Person Outlining samples essays is, as one might suspect, golden. If, however, you just can't take any more silent, individual activity, try setting up a debate with fellow crammers- or even other friends or family members, if they're willing. It's a great way to get instant feedback on your ideas! The Writing test is all about argument, and learning how to articulate ideas clearly and effectively is of the utmost importance. Keep your debates civil, now. ACT Test-Taking Tips Cramming is a journey all its own, but don't forget that nothing's over until you turn in that test. Here are some ideas on how to get through test day. #8: Warm Up on the Morning Of Wake up early, giving yourself plenty of time to get ready and arrive at the test center. Take a moment to do a warm-up problem or two. Don't cram any more, but review a particularly nasty problem you've mastered or try a moderately difficult question that you haven't seen yet. This will warm your brain up a little- get the cobwebs out- without taxing it by tryingto cram more information in. #9: Mind Your Mindset Talk to yourself in a positive and supportive manner. Visualize what's going to happen over the course of themorning, and visualize yourself coming through with flying colors. #10: Guess When You Don't Know the Answer The ACT doesn't have a guessing penalty; a wrong answer won't gain you points, but it won't actually lose you any points, either. Do all the questions you're confident in. Next, make educated guesses where possible. Finally, put down answers for everything you're completely lost on. Take a moment now to read some additional guessing strategies prepared by our experts. Conclusion So there you have it: the techniques you need to cram your way to test day with the ACT. We've seen the importance of practicing as much as possible while maintaining a reasonable balance of work and self-care in your life. We've seen tips for each category on the test, and we've also covered test day do's and don't's. One of the biggest things left to say is: don't get stuck cramming if you can avoid it. If at all possible, think about taking the test again when you've had more time to prepare in a traditional fashion. Take it leisurely, next time around. What's Next? If you've read this and you're thinking you want to rely almost solely on the practice test side of things, check out our twenty-hour guide to prepping with mock exams. However you prepare, we here at PrepScholar wish you the best of luck on this test.If, though, it doesn't go as well as it might, we hope to see you back here as you prepare for the next one. One article that might come in handy covers your options with a low score. Don't think it's all over; you've got a few different paths you can take. For a morale boost, there's also our article examining whether your ACT scores really predict your future success.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Rhetorical Problem Solving Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Rhetorical Problem Solving - Case Study Example Additionally, for last quarter the sales dropped by 5%, when he goes for lunch he sometimes fails to report back to work and for the last one month Mason has been absent for seven days. Mason has reached his retirement years at sixty-two, but he has refused to retire voluntarily. He looks forward to retiring after three more years of work when he will be sixty-five years. However, Doakes has pointed out that Mason has been diligent on his duties all along until recently. His public relations have also been excellent before. Mason has been grooming Doakes to take his place when he retires, and this also explains the reason the recommendation job had to be given to me. My solution to this problem is to make Doakes assume Mason’s responsibilities, leave Mason’s salary as it is today and raise Doakes’ salary. One of the quickest solutions to this problem would be to retire him against his wishes, but this would be unfair to Mason because he has been of great service to the company for the last twenty-five years. His experience and loyalty for all those years is enough reason to keep him for extra three years. It is worthwhile noting that corporate social responsibility starts from the internal practice. Dealing with employees harshly or ignoring the feelings of the community hits companies very hard down the line. It is necessary that the company maintains good relationship with its workers, make the long-time serving workers feel valued as part of the company. While not every employee’s wishes will be respected in terms of extending their terms, Mason’s case is a special one and it has to be dealt with every caution possible with the fact that he has been very instrumental to the company for years. Am interested in knowing reason for Mason’s stay in the business for three extra years. It could be that he needs the salary, or he needs to complete a project he began. For either reason, it is for the best interest of the
Monday, February 3, 2020
China's Air pollution Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
China's Air pollution - Term Paper Example In this situation, China is faced with a major debate. The country is one of the highest contributors of environmental pollution; particularly the air. The air is an important part of human life and it is an established belief that the microscopic particles that people inhale while breathing can potentially cause serious damage to their health. The amount of damage is dependent on the level of concentration of pollutants in the air. These pollutants are emitted in to the environment through various industrial and economic activities, which in turn increases the concentration level of pollutants in the air. There are a number of factors that affect the relationship between emission of pollutants and their concentration in the air. However, it is a commonly agreed notion that the emissions are an outcome of increased level of industrial activities in the economy, or in other words, the level of development activities that take place in the economy (Matus, et al., â€Å"Health Damages from Air Pollution in China†). Among the factors affecting the level of pollution in the air, site is very important. Certain places are the key source of emission; such as the center of the cities, and exclusive industrial belts. These areas are most populous; increased proximity to these regions affects meteorological conditions more than the other areas in the country, which in turn determines the extent of environmental damage. Secondly, the characteristics of the source such as the emission temperature and the velocity of emission affect the rate at which level of air pollution increases. Thirdly, physical dimension of the pollutant particles interferes in the level of impact cast on health condition of human beings. Hence the particle size of matter is an important factor in determining air pollution in the country. Not only are the humans sufferers of this environmental condition, other animals are also adversely affected in this environmental degradation (Ho, â€Å"Ai r pollution in China†). The Economic reform China’s economy has been reflecting massive growth rates since the past two decades. During this period China has undergone economic reforms and is now considered one of the world’s fastest growing economies. The per capita income of the citizens in the country has been growing at the astonishing rate of 9% in 2011 (Mendez, â€Å"Chinese Economic Development and Pollution†). China has been ranked as the third largest country that take part in the international trade. It comes immediately after United States of America and Japan. This economic reform in the country is the main reason that has pushed China to the position in the international sphere. Increasing importance of the economy in world trade has transformed the economy into a global powerhouse. There has been emergence of new factories and overall rate of productive activities in the country has rocketed. These industries obtain their primary supply of en ergy from the reserves of coal possessed by China. Energy is produced by burning this coal, which emits huge amount of carbon particles in the air. This implies that urbanization and development of the Chinese economy has also led it on the path of making significant contribution towards degradation of the environment.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Casino And Gaming Management Tourism Essay
Casino And Gaming Management Tourism Essay In the report, we will introduce a brief history casinos in Victoria Australia, and then, the current state of casino gaming and internal description of casinos will be shown. The advantage and disadvantage of casinos will be discussed in the surrounding community. There is no double that gambling is one of the most popular games in the world. Generally speaking, casino can be found in anywhere in the world. Therefore casino is not only an entertainment place for people but also relevant to the hospitality industry and it is as well as a significant aspect contained by the national finance and economics. Consequently this article will be focus on a casino which is it is in Melbourne and introduce their history, the impacts on casino, the internal description of casino and the advantages and disadvantages of the casino. After that, people will know more about the casino (Crown) in Melbourne. The first legal casino which is wrest point hotel casino locates in Tasmania Australia in 1973, and then government allowed to set up Darwin casino in northern territory in 1979. Focus on 1980s, gold coast, Queensland and Adelaide also opened their first casino at that time. In addition, in 1990s, there are much more casinos opened than before such as Casino in Canberra; star city casino in Sydney and reef hotel casino in cairns Queensland. From 1994 to 1997, Melbourne also was running the first casino Crown casino. In these years, there are 13 casinos in each state and territory of Australia which are running their business, maintain their legislation and policy. These casinos are not only operating in gambling places, but also in hotels, accommodations and entertainment place. Therefore Australia has great economic benefit and employment by these casinos. Current state of casino gaming: Crown casino and entertainment complex is located in Melbourne of the Yarra River, and attracting on average 16 million tourists every year, so it is absolutely one of the largest casinos in Australia. Thus Crown casino is a paradise for gambling, because they are only provide kinds of table gaming such as blackjack, Texas Holdem, craps, baccarat, roulette, Caribbean Stud poker and so on, but also has more than 2,500 slot machines and 350 gaming tables alarming. According to Herald Sun reports, gamblers would lose 100.002 Australian dollars in table game and slot machine each hour. Meanwhile Crown hotel provide many non-gaming services, such as hotel, restaurant, cinema, theatre shows and shopping. Consequently this hotel becomes a centre of entertainment of Melbourne. Casino managers have estimated that one-third of the money from overseas visitors and they have lost 60 million. Consequently the Victoria government as much as 3.13 billion tax from casino and help the government budg et has a surplus. The pokie tax increases 1.7 percent each year for six years beginning this year, resulting in a total tax increase of 10.3 percent by 2015. The full tax will be 32.57 percent at that time. The change will bring more than a$60 million to the government over the next four years and add more than 300 jobs at Crown. (Global Gaming Business, 2009) However, Crown casino like any other casinos, they dont allow people go into the casino if they under 18 and office signs this note in every entrance. Customers should be identified by entry point staff at all entrance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, Crown casino set up a Responsible Gaming Support Centre (RGSC), which is responsible to be tasked with implementing Crowns responsible service of gambling initiatives and providing a focal point for interacting with customers who may need support. Future capital works projects: Crown Melbourne spends $300 million to build a new hotel on the casino site in 2010. The new hotel will provide 658 rooms and accommodate 340 000 guests every year; 50 exhibition booths, 7 state of the art conference-meeting rooms and an 800-seat Plenary Hall. Crown casino will also upgrade the facilities including live entertainment, restaurants, lighting and color schemes. Therefore the new project will create significant economic benefit for Crown and Melbourne. Casino industry description of Australia: Since 1973, casino has become an important part in Australians life. Therefore in order to attract the visitors to game in their place, besides the existing 13 casinos, the expenditure of casinos grew rapidly from $78.5 million to $2.8 billion which has increase 34.9 percent. So casino industry activates the economic and the travel image of the country. Since 1998-2006, casinos gaming expenditure has stabilized at around $3 billion. They offer more and more thrilling game in the entertainment. In addition, they offer provide many non-gaming activities and facilities such as hotel rooms, restaurant, bars, banquet facilities and theatres. Therefore there are 7.8 billion customers who come from all over the world visited casino in Australia. Consequently this brings a perfect profit for casinos and government. In 2002 to 2008, the revenues increased $3.1 billion to 4.0 billion and the average revenues growth rate of 5.2 percent every year. In a research, there are about $1271 million dollar which has 40 per cent revenue come from table gaming and about $572 million dollar which has 18 per cent come from international VIP customers. Moreover, casinos also create about 19,737 jobs in Australia, and Crown casino is the largest single site employers in Victoria The Commonwealth and local governments won $1.2 billion total taxes from casinos in 2007 to 2008. Particularly, casinos not only need to pay general taxes collected by the different levels of local government on all businesses, casinos usually pay amount of special gambling taxes as well. There are different types of general taxes, which including Goods and Services Tax (GST), firm tax and payroll tax paid by casinos for usual operations. In current situation, Casinos leading the most highly taxed compare with other gaming providers in Australia. Casino paid thirty percent of all income for their taxes to the government in a single year of 2007 to 2008. Few industries can afford to pay so much tax as casino except the industries of tobacco, alcohol and luxury cars. Leading to the casino to pay such high taxes is because the casinos are required to pay a lot of taxation (gambling taxes, license fees and community levies) besides the general taxes by all other industries. Casino Contribution There are plenty of international evidence indicate that casinos contribution to national economic activity is mainly dependent on the casino led to the development of tourism. However, effective research shows that tourism and hotel sector has not been much affected by non-casino facets. The following research report is about the details found in Australian. 1. More than one million overseas tourists visits to Australian casinos and bring a number of 2.4 million consumptions in 2007 to 2008. 2. Overseas tourists who visited Australian casinos bring $4.9 billion total spent with an average of $4940 per tourist, during visits to Australia. This average consume value is in the extreme higher than overseas tourists who did not visited casino during the visit with the average consume value of $2630 per tourist. The total number of gambling consumption by overseas VIP program players is $553 million in the year of 2007 to 2008. It is estimated that casinos has spent a further $65 million to attract VIP program players, these players who are estimated to cost $121 million in Australia on non-casino consumption. 1. It is estimated that export to overseas VIP program players improved gross domestic product (GDP) by $84 million and private consumption by $225 million in year of 2007 to 2008. 2. To keep export of overseas VIP program players at the year of 2007 to 2008 level is prospective to improve Australias private expenditure by $1.8 billion over a decade. Casino employment There are 19 939 people working in Casinos in year of 2007 to 2008. It is making a significant contribution to employment in Australia. Two leading employment casinos are located in Victoria (Crown Melbourne) and WA (Burswood Entertainment Complex) respectively, which employ the largest proportion of employees. Licensed gaming staff is one of most important category in casino operation. There are closely 60 percentage of staff are employed in casino on a full time basis, about 15 percentage employed on a part time basis, and 25 percentage on a casual basis. Disadvantage of Casino industry: Problem Gambling From the Australia Productivity Commissions Inquiry into Australias Gambling Industries in 1999, it is indicating that the following points: 1. About 2.1 percentages of the Australian adults or among 293,000 people have a significant gambling problem. 2. On average around seven other people are affected by a serious problem gamblers behavior. It is around two million Australians. Problem Gambling is clearly a major public health issue in Australia. It is become a problem if someone spends more time or money than they can afford to, or if it is have a negative impact on their relationship. That is why just the minority country legislate the gambling is legal. Crime Rate With the growing of the casino industry, crime becomes another major negative impact. Casino is a place which can make a person bankruptcy in a short time; it may change a person in one night. So, the rate of crime may increase because of these factors. Also, the government adopt a lot, such as increase the number of police on duty at night, but the crime problem still have not work out in a perfect way. Conclusion: In conclusion, this report generally description the casino in Australia with several parts which includes the history of casino gambling, current state of casino, Impact on casino, industry of casino, and the advantages and disadvantages of casino as well. In order to more powerful support of our arguments, this article adopts the resources from Internet, chart and database. Moreover, with the development science and technology, improve the management has become more important to casino to create more entertainment facilities to meet the needs of the people, to stimulate the economy development. However, the industry is also a potential risks (social problems, crime). In order to prevent negative, the government should pay more attention on casino management and restrictions to seek better ways to adjust entertainment and gain enormous profit.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Consumer Association of Bangladesh
1. Introduction Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB), a non-government Non-political and non-profit voluntary organization was founded in February, 1978 at the initiation of some dedicated residents in Dhaka who was imbued with the ideas of consumerism, a movement that already took shape in many advanced countries in Europe and America. Primarily started as a social group to protect consumers from commodity adulteration and artificial price-hike it has gradually widened its scope to establish and safeguard consumers’ rights and interests in social, economic, health and environmental issues.CAB was registered with the Department of Social Services, Government of Bangladesh vide reg. No DHA-01247 dated 14 March 1983 and with the NGO Affairs Bureau vide reg. No. DSS/FDO/R-197 dated 2 March 1986. CAB is also a full member of Consumers International. It is funded by membership fees and by grants from donors. Organization Profile: Organization Name: CAB (Consumers Association o f Bangladesh) Member no: 761 Joining date: 15 Mar 1981Region: Asia Pacific Address: 8/6, Segunbagicha, Dhaka- 1000 Location: Bangladesh Type of Work: Campaigning and/or lobbying, Consumer Advice, Consumer Legislation, Dispute Resolution, Networking, Product Testing, Publishing, Research/Policy analysis. It has 500 regular and 100 associate members. Its mission is to empower Consumers with the knowledge and skills for the effective protection of their rights and interests.The major areas of CAB activities are: Consumer Information & Education, Surveillances & Monitoring on market prices and quality of essential commodities and utility services, consumer’s complaints handlings, campaign for safe foods and commodities, ethical drug promotion and safe environment, studies & research on consumer issues and problems, Advocacy and lobby with the government and policy makers for enactment of Consumer Protection Law. 2. Objectives of CAB: The major objectives of CAB are to: 1. make co nsumers aware of their rights and responsibilities; 2. romote consumer education, aiming at raising awareness of consumers against exploitation, and providing them with technical knowledge and support for real protection; 3. focus on consumers' problems and develop a spirit of mutual co-operation and understanding among different groups, associations, institutions, NGOs and government agencies functioning in the interests of the welfare of the people; 4. exchange information and knowledge of various actions about consumer protection with national and international organizations; 5. organize and set-up consumers associations and groups at the districts and thana level 6.Undertake research studies on consumer issues and problems. 7. Generate awareness among the consumers about their internationally recognized rights and responsibilities as consumers 8. Promote consumer education aiming at empowering consumers with the knowledge and skills on protection of their rights. 9. Enable consu mers to organize themselves in establishing and protecting their rights and interests through organized action. 10. Arrange for testing of products and commodities to make the market places safer and consumer friendly. 11.Provide mediation and legal support to the aggrieved consumers related to violation of their rights and interests involved in the purchase and use of commodities and services. 12. Foster and develop contacts and liaison with the national and international organizations having similar objectives. 13. Publish educational materials and feed consumers with information and knowledge on consumerism, consumer issues and problems. 3. Achievements: CAB activities in consumer education include mainly the publication of a monthly bulletin in Bangla titled Consumers' Voice to provide consumers with information of various consumer issues and problem.CAB also publishes a quarterly bulletin in English, which it distributes to different organizations at home and abroad. In additio n, it occasionally publishes pamphlets, folders, and leaflets on various consumer issues and problems and regularly prepares features and press releases for dissemination through the mass media. CAB regularly monitors the market prices of essential commodities and services to show the actual price situation in the market and keep prices within the purchasing power of general consumers.It runs a market monitoring cell, which regularly conducts market surveys and supplies relevant information to consumers through national dailies. CAB launched a ‘Dirty Dozen Campaign' against 12 most harmful pesticides. Earlier, there were no guidelines on the marketing of pesticides and it is because of the pressure created by CAB that the government had to formulate guidelines on the marketing of pesticides and publish them through a gazette notification. CAB also carried out studies on household insecticides and labeling of pesticides on packets.The organization was very vocal and active in c reating demand for formulating a National Drug Policy (NDP) and played an active role in the process of enactment of the NDP in 1982. Since then, CAB has been regularly monitoring the implementation of NDP and organizing promotional activities, especially relating to issues of inadequacy and poor services in the delivery of public health care. CAB started an anti-tobacco campaign in 1981. CAB is active in lobbying with the government for banning smoking in selected public places. CAB is also monitoring the implementation of the Breast Milk Substitute Ordinance enacted in 1984.CAB carries out campaigns in support of breastfeeding. CAB activities include organization of seminars, workshops, and group meetings, street processions, distribution of posters and leaflets, and publication of features in newspapers on environmental pollution and degradation as well as on safe road and transport systems. A routine activity of CAB is the formation and development of consumer for expansion of c onsumer movement at the division, district, thana and peripheral levels. These groups keep liaison with the national level and deal with consumer education and motivation and handle local consumer problems and issues.CAB runs a Complaint Centre to receive complaints from consumers and extends technical and legal support to them for redress. With a view to keeping the consumers informed about the daily market situation and other consumer issues and problems CAB runs a Consumer Information Centre, which has a small library attached to it. It conducts studies on important consumer issues such as commodity prices, use of BMS in hospitals and clinics, tobacco consumption, road accidents, violation of BMS ordinance, drug abuse and the like.It has been looking for the formulation of consumer protection laws in the country for a long time. CAB now concentrates its activities in the districts of Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Mymensingh, Gazipur, Manikganj, Bogra, Khulna and Barisal but has plan s to expand the activities in other districts of the country, too. Some of the achievements of CAB are as follows: The Milk Vita Company used to mix imported powder milk with cow’s milk and then market it as the cow’s milk.CAB exposed this malpractice, following which the company had to change its policy; CAB created considerable awareness among the people about harmful and unnecessary drugs long before the enactment of the National Drug Policy, which after being formulated, was popularized by CAB through a vigorous campaign; Since 1984, CAB has been conducting campaigns for the promotion and protection of breast feeding and has been an advocate for enactment and implementation of Bangladesh Breast Feeding Substitutes (marketing regulation) Ordinance, 1984; CAB was instrumental in the declaration of the Code of Pesticide Marketing and assisted in the creation of a committee to evaluate price situation, in the re-organization of the Bangladesh Standard Institute and pub lication of lists for standard certificates, and in creation of a committee to assess the adulteration position in edible oils; CAB was instrumental in the re-organization of the government's Environmental Pollution Control Department. The anti-tobacco campaign by CAB resulted in the introduction of warning against hazardous effects of smoking in cigarette advertisements; and CAB has been recognized as representative of consumers in numerous committees (both government and non-government) formed on different issues and subjects.CAB, however, faces a number of constraints such as inadequacy of funds, and a relatively slow response from communities and population groups that prevent consumer movement from gaining a solid ground, and a general weakness of consumers in terms of their awareness level and bargaining strength in purchases. CAB's success, therefore, remains minimal as their programmers often go against the interest of the business community, who enjoys near monopoly and has the opportunity to organize syndicated trade. 3. 1 Research Studies: Several research and survey works on consumer’s affairs are undertaken by CAB. Information dissemination to the stake holders and to the relevant government authorities are the routine practices. It helps the decision makers to take action and make remedial future action plan for assuring the rights of consumers in the country. Survey and research on â€Å"Awareness to the sellers and consumers regarding BSTI, and the certification marks system of BSTI†in the year of 2000. †¢Survey and research on â€Å"Awareness and the status of Bangladesh on keeping the consumers right†in the year of 2000. †¢Research on â€Å"Market food and packaged food†in the year of 2003. †¢Survey and research on â€Å"Unpackaged food in Dhaka city†in the year of 2003. †¢Survey and research on â€Å"Health service: The present status of Bangladesh (1. 5 years)†in the year of 2005. †¢Survey and research on â€Å"Public sentiment of sellers and consumers†in the year of 2005. †¢Survey report on â€Å"Livelihood expenses and pricing of product†in 1982- 2007). †¢Yearly survey report on â€Å"Accident on road and river transport†in (2000-2004). Survey and research on â€Å"The use of indigenous medicine†in the year of 2005. 3. 2 Campaign for Safe Environment: Women and children are the worst sufferers due to increasing environmental degradation and CAB undertakes programs to promote public awareness and their participation in the environmentally sustainable development. Campaign activities in the form of seminars, workshops, group meetings, rallies and street processions, production and distribution of educational materials, writing of features, press release etc. against air and water pollution, environmental degradation and other social abuses are organized on regular basis. 3. 3 Campaign against Tobacco:CAB h as been campaigning against production and marketing of tobacco since 1981 and it is through the continued and persistent endeavors of CAB that advertisement of cigarettes in Radio and TV has been banned and health hazards warning signals on cigarette packs has been introduced. CAB is a member of the Bangladesh Anti-tobacco Alliance and has been lobbying with the government for enactment of laws putting ban on smoking in public places as well as on advertisement of cigarettes in print media. This has, however, resulted in the enactment of Bangladesh Tobacco Control Law 2005. CAB has now started lobbying with the government for effective implementation of law and organizing campaign for raising public awareness on tobacco menace to bring about tangible reduction of tobacco use in the society. Read also: Padma Bridge
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Should Vaccines Be Government Enforced - 1584 Words
Jordan Angel Mrs. Lenkey American Lit. 17/2/2016 Should Vaccines be Government Enforced Vaccination has been a long-established and adopted practice in the U.S. since its inception. Having been required for certain school districts since the early 1800’s, many have wondered if the government should play a role in this. Vaccines are safe and effective, eradicating numerous diseases which were once prominent. However, they are neither perfectly safe nor perfectly effective. Government enforced vaccines disregard modern medical ethics as well. Nevertheless, they should be widely encouraged. The problem with forced vaccinations is that they, by definition, run counter to every relevant set of medical ethics. Particularly the principles of Autonomy, beneficence, and nonmaleficence (AMA). Autonomy argues a patient obtain autonomy of thought, intention, and action when making decisions in regard to medical procedures. Beneficence requires medical actions be performed for the good of the patient and others. Nonmaleficence requires that a procedure does not harm the patie nt involved or others in society (Pantilat). All three of these ethical practices can be difficult to maintain if vaccinations were enforced by the government. Autonomy specifically plays an important role in the argument against government mandated vaccinations. Only the patient holds the right to make decisions about their medical procedures. This is a right that every U.S. citizen possess. Society and especiallyShow MoreRelatedMedication Is A Necessary Aspect Of Being Human1478 Words  | 6 Pagessaves lives. Medication should be enforced, but only when the health and safety of others is in jeopardy. When one is unable to make their own conscious decisions, medication should be administered with the oversight of a professional and a caretaker. 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While both adams and allen have clearly pronounced distinct opnions on the legislation of the vaccine, both come to the accordance, for various reasons, that the HPV vaccine shouldn’t beRead MoreVaccine Requirements : Vaccine Requirement Rights1149 Words  | 5 PagesAshley Chavez-Muniz Breonna Thompson Krystal Egbuchunam Ms. Anderson 5 May, 2016 Vaccine Requirement Rights I. Introduction â€Å"For just a few dollars a dose, vaccines save lives and help reduce poverty. Unlike medical treatment, they provide a lifetime of protection from deadly and debilitating disease. They are safe and effective. They cut health care and treatment costs, reduce the number of hospital visits, and ensure healthier children, families and communities†(Berkley). Parents believe that
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