Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Final Paper - Bipolar Disorder - 1202 Words
Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric disorder also known as manic depression. It is described as a category of mood disorders. Mood disorders are defined by the presence of one or more episodes known as mania and hypomania. Bipolar disorder affects about five million Americans, about 3 out of every 100 adults. This disorder had been found equally in men and women. The signs and symptoms of major depressive episode are feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt, anger, isolation, or hopelessness and disturbances in sleep and appetite, fatigue and loss of interest in everyday activities, problems concentrating, lonliness, self-loathing, apathy, loss of interest in sexual activity, shyness, social anxiety,†¦show more content†¦Bipolar NOS is used to indicate bipolar illness that does not fit into the three other categories. If a person has symtopms of bipolar disorder but does not meet the requirements for the other three categories, they will be diagnosed with Bipolar NOS. There are a few known causes for what causes Bipolar disorder. Genetic studies have been to inconsistent to prove that the disorder may be passed on from generation to generation. Some studies have shown that some children, who later in life, are diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, may have shown early traits of the disorder, such as mood swings, or full major depressive episodes. There may also be hypersensitivity and irritability. Studies have shown that life events and experiences can be a factor in being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. Medication is sometimes used to help with Bipolar Disorder. Most of the medication used are to prevent depression and manic episodes. Psychosocial therapy is used to relieve some of the symptoms of bipolar Disorder, recognizing episode triggers, and reducing negative emotions in relationships. Bipolar disorder can be severly disabling medical condition. Bipolar Disorder has a high rate of misdiagnosis, and it is often difficult for the patient to receive proper treatment. Patients with a good prognosis are the result of goodShow MoreRelatedBipolar Disorder : A Diagnosis On The Rise1720 Words  | 7 PagesAutumn Leja December 8, 2014 Essay 3 Bipolar Disorder: a Diagnosis on the Rise            Before researching this topic, I used to think that Bipolar Disorder was a very rare mental illness and in most cases, a misdiagnoses. There are many misconceptions about Bipolar Disorder and mental illness as a whole. Bipolar Disorder has become an epidemic in America and affects nearly everyone in some way. The term Bipolar is increasingly being misused to describe someone having a bad day or being excessivelyRead MoreClient Care Paper : Mental Illness746 Words  | 3 PagesClient Care Paper Mental illness affects 1 in 5 adults in the United States. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Leadership †Making the Business Successful Free Essays
Leadership has different meanings to various authors. Leadership could be defined as influence, that is, the art of process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals (Bass, 1981). Although their approach to leadership theory is primarily one of analyzing lead ership style, Fred E. We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership – Making the Business Successful or any similar topic only for you Order Now Fiedler and his associates at the University of Illinois have suggested a contingency theory of leadership (Fiedler, 1967). The theory holds that people become leaders not only because of the attributes of their personalities but also because of various situational factors and the interactions between leaders and group members. On the basis of his studies, Fiedler de scribed three critical dimensions of the leadership situation that help determine what style of leadership will be most effective (Miner, 1982): Position power is the degree to which the power of a position, as distinguished from other sources of power, such as personality or expertise, enables a leader to get group members to comply with directions; in the case of managers, this is the power arising from organizational authority. As Fiedler points out, a leader with clear and considerable position power can obtain good followership more easily than one without such power (Bowers, 1975). With the dimension of Task structure, Fiedler had in mind the extent to which tasks can be clearly spelled out and people held responsible for them. If tasks are clear (rather than vague and unstructured), the quality of performance can be more easily controlled and group members can be held more definitely responsible for performance. Fiedler regarded the dimension of Leader-member relations as the most im portant from a leader’s point of view, since position power and task structure may be largely under the control of an enterprise. It has to do with the extent to which group members like, trust, and are willing to follow a leader (Yuki, 1981). To approach his study, Fiedler set forth two major styles of leadership. One of these is primarily task-oriented; that is, the leader gains satis faction from seeing tasks performed. The other is oriented primarily toward achiev ing good interpersonal relations and attaining a position of personal prominence. Favorableness of situation was defined by Fiedler as the degree to which a given situation enables a leader to exert influence over a group. To measure leadership styles and determine whether a leader is chiefly task-oriented, Fiedler used an unusual testing technique (Kirkpatrick Locke, 1991). He based his findings on two sources: (1) scores on the least preferred coworker (LPC) scale – these are ratings made by people in a group as to those with whom they would least like to work; and (2) scores on the assumed similarity between opposites (ASO) scale–ratings based on the degree to which leaders see group members as being like themselves, on the assumption that people will like best, and work best with, those who are seen as most like them selves. Today the LPC scale is most commonly used in research. In developing this scale, Fiedler asked respondents to identify the traits of a person with whom they could work least well (Fiedler, 1967). Leadership performance depends as much on the organization as it depends on the leader’s own attributes. Except perhaps for the unusual case, it is simply not meaningful to speak of an effective leader or an ineffective leader; we can only speak of a leader who tends to be effective in one situation and ineffective in another. If we wish to increase organizational and group effectiveness we must learn not only how to train leaders more effectively but also how to build an organizational environment in which the leader can perform well (Indvik, 1986). In a highly structured situation, such as in the military during a war, where the leader has strong position power and good relations with members, there is a favorable situation in which task orientation is most appropriate. The other ex treme, an unfavorable situation with moderately poor relations, an unstructured task, and weak position power, also suggests task orientation by the leader, who may reduce anxiety or ambiguity that could be created by the loosely structured situation. Between the two extremes, the suggested approach emphasizes cooperation and good relations with people. To conclude, leadership is the art or process of influencing people so that they contribute willingly and enthusiastically toward group goals. Leadership requires followership. The approach to leadership, built on the assumption that leaders are the product of given situations, focuses on the study of situations. Fiedler’s contingency approach takes into account the position power of the leader, the structure of the task, and the relations between the leader and group members. This would make the followers to like, trust and follow the leader. The conclu sion is that there is no one best leadership style and that managers can be successful if placed in appropriate situations. References Bass, Barnard M. 1981. Stodgill’s Handbook of Leadership: A survey of theory and research, Rev. ed, New York: The Free Press. Bowers, David G. 1975. â€Å"Hierarchy, Function and the Generalizability of Leadership Prac tices,†in James G. Hunt and Lars L. Larson (eds.), Leadership Frontiers (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1975), pp. 167-180. Fiedler, Fred E. 1967. A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1967). Indvik, Julie. 1986. â€Å"Path Goal Theory of Leadership: A Meta-Analysis,†in John A. Pearce II and Richard B. Robinson, Jr. (eds.), Academy of Management Best Papers-Proceedings, Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago (Aug. 13-16, 1986), pp. 189-192. Kirkpatrick, Shelley A. Locke, Edwin A. 1991. â€Å"Leadership: Do Traits Matter?†Academy of Management Executive (May 1991), pp. 48-60. Miner, John B. 1982. Theories of Organizational Structure and Process, Hinsdale, Ill.: The Dryden Press, Chap.2. Yuki, Gary A. 1981. Leadership in Organization, (Englewood Cliffs, N.]: Prentice-Hall, chap. 4.              How to cite Leadership – Making the Business Successful, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Minerals and Energy Resources free essay sample
We require metals for making machines, sands and gravels for making roads and buildings, sand for making computer chips, limestone and gypsum for making concrete, clays for making ceramics, gold, silver, copper and aluminum for making electric circuits, and diamonds and corundum (sapphire, ruby, emerald) for abrasives and jewelry. A mineral deposit is a volume of rock enriched in one or more materials. In this sense a mineral refers to a useful material, a definition that is different from the way we defined a mineral back in Chapter Here the word mineral can be any substance that comes from the Earth. Finding and exploiting mineral deposits requires the application of the principles of geology that you have learned throughout this course. Some minerals are used as they are found in the ground, i. e. they require no further processing or very little processing. For example gemstones, sand, gravel, and salt (halite). We will write a custom essay sample on Minerals and Energy Resources or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Most minerals must be processed before they are used. For example: * Iron is the found in abundance in minerals, but the process of extracting iron from different minerals varies in cost depending on the mineral. It is least costly to extract the iron from oxide minerals like hematite (Fe2O3), magnetite (Fe3O4), or limonite [Fe(OH)]. Although iron also occurs in olivines, pyroxenes, amphiboles, and biotite, the concentration of iron in these minerals is less, and cost of extraction is increased because strong bonds between iron, silicon, and oxygen must be broken. * Aluminum is the third most abundant mineral in the Earths crust. It occurs in the most common minerals of the crust the feldspars (NaAlSi3O8, KalSi3O8, CaAl2Si2O8, but the cost of extracting the Aluminum from these minerals is high. Thus, deposits containing the mineral gibbsite [Al(OH)3], are usually sought. This explains why recycling of Aluminum is cost effective, since the Aluminum does not have to be separated from oxygen or silicon. Because such things as extraction costs, manpower costs, and energy costs vary with time and from country to country, what constitutes an economically viable deposit of minerals varies considerably in time and place. In general, the higher the concentration of the substance, the more economical it is to mine. Thus we define an ore as a mineral deposit from which one or more valuable substances can be extracted economically. Extraction of this oil also requires heating the rock and is therefore energy intensive and not currently cost effective Coal Coal is a sedimentary/metanorphic rock produced in swamps where there is a large-scale accumulation of organic matter from plants. As the plants die they accumulate to first become peat. Compaction of the peat due to burial drives off volatile components like water and methane, eventually producing a black- colored organic- rich coal called lignite. Further compaction and heating results in a more carbon- rich coal called bituminous coal. If the rock becomes metamorphosed, a high grade coal called anthracite is produced. However, if temperatures and pressures become extremely high, all of the carbon is converted to graphite. Graphite will burn only at high temperatures and is therefore not useful as an energy source. Anthracite coal produces the most energy when burned, with less energy produced by bituminous coal and lignite. Coal is found in beds called seams, usually ranging in thickness from 0. 5 to 3m, although some seams reach 30 m. Two major coal producing periods are known in geologic history. During the Carboniferous and Permian Periods, the continents were apparently located near the equator and covered by shallow seas. This type of environment favored the growth of vegetation and rapid burial to produce coal. Known reserves of coal far exceed those of other fossil fuels, and may be our best bet for an energy source of the future. Still, burning of the lower grades of coal, like lignite and bituminous coal produces large amounts of waste products that pollute the atmosphere. This problem needs to be overcome before we can further exploit this source of energy. Bottom of Form
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