Saturday, November 30, 2019
Poor Employee Relations Essay Sample free essay sample
This instance survey follows a Tool Manufacturer where an in-depth organisational analysis was conducted comprising of qualitative interviews with senior direction. Hence. procedure function was conducted to detail the chief activities of the organisation. The procedure function demonstrated how the client and the organisation interacted. The client would ab initio near the Tool Manufacturer through associated selling or more typically on the footing of old work completed. On the footing of client demands a preliminary drawing of the tool would be drafted and sent to the client. The client would so accept the bill of exchange drawing. which would so be manufactured consequently. Nevertheless. non all was good. Several undertakings had been delayed. ensuing in a loss of gross for the concern. Worst of all. several tools had been manufactured to incorrect bill of exchange specifications. which so had to be scrapped and started once more. Such was the instance due to bury departmental s truggles. We will write a custom essay sample on Poor Employee Relations Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page An e. g. of such struggle is demonstrated between the Drawing Department and the Machine Shop where the Draft specification drawings instead than finalized drawings were given to the Machine Shop to bring forth the tool. There was deficiency of duty and answerability. This struggle non merely created internal jobs. but besides reduced employee motive and occupation satisfaction. Further research revealed that persons tended to see themselves working in a vacuity or in a cliche as opposed to working within the wider organisation. This had several effects including worker struggle. interdepartmental struggle and hapless employee dealingss. The struggle had a wider deduction that jeopardized the concern as a whole. Customer orders were being delayed. orders were non being produced to the right specification and some orders were of such inferior quality ( due to their frequent reworking ) that they broke down within hebdomads of being installed at the client site. This led to a impairmen t of the client’s repute of being a First tool maker. Measuring the instance IntroductionEmployee dealingss and worker struggles are ever debatable and the effects are hard to foretell ( Fortado. 2001 ) . Debatable dealingss can do ill-feeling between co-workers. take downing occupation satisfaction ( Biggs. Senior and Swailes. 2002 ) or doing emphasis and depression ( Dormann and Zapf. 2002 ; Friedman. Tidd. Currall and Tsai. 2000 ) . The above instance is a typical instance of bad employee dealingss which is due to miss of proper co-ordination. communicating. answerability and duty. We see that there is no harmoniousness between the sections and many of the bing literature has viewed manufacturing-marketing struggle mostly as an unwanted ancestor or result that is to be minimized. The instance shows that such struggle is so unwanted for an organisation that it non merely affects the employees of those concerned sections but threats the endurance of the organisation as a whole. Besides. it is seen that the demand to increase consumer orientation of the house has necessitated the integrating of selling and operations. But. unluckily. the relationship between these two maps has frequently been uncomfortable. if non adversial ( Karmakar. 1996. p. 125 ) . In the instance mentioned above. we see that due to worker struggles. there is deficiency of occupation satisfaction and employee motive. both which are indispensable for the longetivity of the organisation. Worker struggle is inevitable in any workplace due to the mutuality of the employees and the squads. To get the better of such struggles. first demand is that the organisation must hold a direction squad who is able. carnival. supply clear and crystalline communicating and set ends that are consistent and accomplishable. The top degree executives or the proprietor should see bettering direction accomplishments to decide employee dealingss and ill will efficaciously. To such an terminal. out bound preparation or any such measure can be taken. The directors must be trained plenty to undertake the employee jobs without mortifying any one party and taking a just determination to work out the issue. They should besides keep regular meetings to maintain path of where they are standing in their undertaking of presenting their merchandises. This manner the direction in the company will be in a better place to take a determination as to how the alliance of the work should be done. Besides. being cognizant of the activities held. on a regular footing will assist them to successfully run into peak periods of client demands. Coming back to Job satisfaction. as most of us know. it is the extent to which an person is content with his/ her occupation. The happier they are. the more productive they are. Besides closely linked is employee motive. Research and observations show that motivated employees are more productive and originative. The opposite besides holds true. Therefore. to get the better of this primary job. the direction should carry on studies or questionnaires to happen out the occupation satisfaction degrees. Depending on the responses. they should so concentrate on occupation design. occupation rotary motion. occupation enrichment and so on to run into the employee demands. They should concentrate on actuating the employees by honoring them suitably. Merely one time the working force of the organisation is content and motivated. can they be geared up t o carry through their ultimate aim- i. e. run intoing client demands. In this instance. we see success of the concern is wholly based on run intoing client demands and satisfaction. As discussed. before making here. the other internal jobs must be tackled and solved. However. seeking to make the solution for run intoing client demands. the organisation has to concentrate on get the better ofing the inter-departmental co-ordination. The duty of run intoing client demands does non lie with merely one section. It’s the combined attempt that finds the wages in this signifier. Hence. co-ordination is a must. But here we see that the two chief sections. the Drawing Department and the Machine Shop. which either straight or indirectly were related to guarantee client demands were non working in any manner of co-ordination. Hence it can be suggested that they focus on their communicating by following appropriate forums. Such has been proved and suggested clip and once more. Souder ( 1981 ) found that good communications and harmonious dealingss are more likely to take to merchandise success. The supervisors or the functional caputs of both these sections should concentrate on co-coordinating with each other and non viing. Since the employees are wo rking under these caputs. attention can be taken that they guarantee that they do their portion of the full procedure of production. for which they are entitled. Besides patterns like negative support or penalty can be adopted to guarantee timely public presentation as clip seems to be a really important factor for them. Another suggestion to get the better of the communicating job is that the company can follow the celebrated. good established and easy to understand model-the Johari Window by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham. As the theoretical account is peculiarly relevant in today’s concern environment. it can certainly turn out to be of good usage for this company to assist better their interpersonal relationships and teamwork. The instance besides mentions that there is deficiency of duty on the portion of the Drawings Department. They are supposed to give a finalized image of the merchandise to be manufactured instead than a unsmooth bill of exchange. But they left that to be taken attention of by the Machine Shop. In making so. the Machine Shop went off path and therefore delayed run intoing the client needs. This is clearly a instance of deficiency of Unity of Direction. The full organisation should be traveling towards a common aim in a common way. ( Henry Fayol’s 14 Management Principles ) . Although their aim was to sell their tools. but the way of carry throughing this aim was non in line. This reduced client demand due to miss of quality in the tools. As mentioned in the instance. the Machine Shop went to the extent where several tools had been manufactured to incorrect bill of exchange specifications. which so had to be scrapped and started once more. The quality decreased. the trueness decreased. the outlooks of the clients decreased. To deliver such state of affairss. I would wish to propose that the direction focuses on squad edifice attempts. A squad can be defined as two or more persons who socially interact ( face-to-face or. progressively. virtually ) possess one or more common ends ; are brought together to execute organizationally relevant undertakings ; exhibit mutualities with regard to workflow. ends. and outcomes ; hold different functions and duties ; and are together embedded in an embracing organisational system. with boundaries and linkages to the broader system context and undertaking environment ( Alderfer. 1977 ; Argote A ; McGrath. 1993 ; Hackman. 1992 ; Hollenbeck et Al. . 1995 ; Kozlowski A ; Bell. 2003 ; Kozlowski. Gully. McHugh. Salas. A ; Cannon-Bowers. 1996 ; Kozlowski et Al. . 1999 ; Salas. Dickinson. Converse. A ; Tannenbaum. 1992 ) . As the definition suggests. if such is followed. decidedly half the mayhem of this Tool Manufacturer will be taken attention of. Harmonizing to ( Kozlowski. Gully. Nason. A ; Smith. 1999 ) . increasing competition. consolidation. and invention create force per unit areas for skill diverseness. high degrees of expertness. rapid response. and adaptability. Teams enable these features. Hence the direction should promote squad work instead than individualistic work. maintaining in head their line of concern. This will besides assist turn to the other large job that the company is confronting. i. e. the sections working in vacuity as opposed to working as portion of the wider organisation. I would besides wish to propose that the organisation can follow Entire Quality Management ( TQM ) which emphasizes that the quality of merchandises and procedures is the duty of everyone involved with the creative activity or ingestion of the merchandises or services offered by an organisation. necess itating the engagement of direction. work force. providers. and clients. to run into or transcend client outlooks. Decision Therefore. reasoning the instance. I would wish to state one time once more that acknowledging and work outing the issues of hapless employee dealingss and worker struggle should be the first measure in helping the organisation placing what issues are so involved in non run intoing client demand. All the possible several solutions. to assist decide this job has been put frontward. If adopted sacredly. consequences are bound to demo which will assist the company retain its competitory advantage by run intoing client deadlines and demands. Mentions dean. jr. j. w. . A ; snell. s. a. ( 1996. June ) . The Strategic Use of Integrated Manufacturing: An Empirical Examination. Strategic Management Journal. 17 ( 6 ) . 459-462. Retrieved December 8. 2012. from jstor. kozlowski. S. W. . A ; ilgen. d. r. Enhancing the Effectiveness of Work Groups and Teams. . 7 ( 3 ) . 77-81. Retrieved December 11. 2012. from jstor. northup. t. ( 2006. October ) . effectual communicating ; a necessity for successful organisation. Retrieved December 9. 2012. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. lmgsuccess. com/documents/EffectiveComm. pdf tutek. p. h. . A ; ay. d. c. RESOLVING CONFLICT BETWEEN MARKETING AND ENGINEERING: A QUEST FOR EFFECTIVE INTEGRATION. . 535-536. Retrieved December 8. 2012. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. opf. slu. cz/vvr/akce/turecko/pdf/Tutek. pdf
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Defining AIDS and HIV in the United States essays
Defining AIDS and HIV in the United States essays Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) refers to the advanced development of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and extensive damage to the immune system. Not everyone who acquires HIV develops AIDS. HIV is an infection that invades immune systems cells called CD4-positive (CD4+) T cells that fights infections. HIV invades the body's CD4+ T cells and damages the immune systems ability to fight against diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, and other microscopic organisms. There are medications for the treatment of HIV; these medicines slow down the rate at which HIV replicates and subsequently weakens the immune system. AIDS is defined as certain signs or symptoms as specified in guidelines formulated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including: HIV-infected persons with HIV-infected persons with at least 1 of more than 24 AIDS-associated conditions (infections caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses rarely seen in healthy people) When HIV progresses to AIDS, it is fatal, yet, the rate of AIDS-related deaths has decreased with the development of new medicines. Some HIV-infected individuals may show little or no immune system deterioration and low levels of HIV even after 15 or more years of infection in the absence of antiretroviral therapy. Studies of acute infection and long-term non-progressors provide facts about the immune responses needed to develop an HIV vaccine. Experimental vaccines have proven protective and well tolerated in animal models of AIDS but not in humans. In conclusion, anyone is capable of becoming HIV-infected. Therefore, it is important to educate people on the definition and facts about AIDS. The CDC reported that 2.2 million Americans now carry the HIV virus but do not yet have symptoms; AIDS the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 35; and the HIV-infected rate in the U.S. is appr ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Thank You Note Definition and Writing Tips
Thank You Note Definition and Writing Tips A thank-you note is a type of correspondence in which the writer expresses gratitude for a gift, service, or opportunity. Personal thank-you notes are customarily handwritten on cards. Business-related thank-you notes are usually typed on company letterhead, but they, too, may be handwritten. Basic Elements of a Thank-You Note [The] basic elements for writing a thank-you note should include: Address the individual(s), using a salutation or greeting. . . .Say thank you.Identify the gift (be certain to get this one right. It does not look good to thank Mr. and Mrs. Smith for the lingerie when they sent you a toaster.)Express how you feel about the gift and what it will be used for.Add a personal note or message.Sign your thank-you note. Within this framework, there is a great deal of latitude. When preparing to write a note, sit for a moment and consider your relationship with the person to whom you are writing. Is it intimate and personal? Is it someone you know as an acquaintance? Are you writing to a complete stranger? This should dictate the tone of your writing. (Gabrielle Goodwin and David Macfarlane, Writing Thank-You Notes: Finding the Perfect Words. Sterling, 1999) Six Steps to Writing a Personal Thank-You Note [1]Dear Aunt Dee, [2]Thank you so much for the great new duffel bag. [3]I cant wait to use it in my spring break cruise. The bright orange is just perfect. Not only is it my favorite color (you know that!), but Ill be able to spot my bag a mile away! Thanks for such a fun, personal, and really useful gift! [4]Im really looking forward to seeing you when I get back. Ill come over to show you pictures from the trip! [5]Thanks again for always thinking of me. [6]Love, Maggie [1] Greet the recipient. [2] Clearly state why you are writing. [3] Elaborate on why you are writing. [4] Build the relationship. [5] Restate why you are writing. [6] Give your regards. (Angela Ensminger and Keeley Chace, Note-worthy: A Guide to Writing Great Personal Notes. Hallmark, 2007) Thank-You Note Following a Job Interview An essential job-seeking technique, as well as a gesture of courtesy, is to thank the person who interviews you. Write a note immediately after the interview and before a decision has been made. State what you liked about the interview, the company, the position. Emphasize briefly and specifically your suitability for the job. Address concerns about your qualifications that came up during the interview. Mention any issue that you didnt have the opportunity to discuss. If you felt you misspoke or left the wrong impression, this is where you can correct your interviewbut be brief and subtle. You dont want to remind the interviewer of a weak point. (Rosalie Maggio, How to Say It: Choice Words, Phrases, Sentences, and Paragraphs for Every Situation, 3rd ed. Penguin, 2009) Thank-You Notes to College Admission Offices Call it a testament to how carefully students court college admissions offices these days: Thank-you notes have become the new frontier. . . . Miss Manners, Judith Martin, who writes a syndicated etiquette column that runs in more than 200 newspapers, says she, for one, does not think thanks are needed for a campus visit: I would never, ever say, Don’t write a thank-you note under any circumstances. I don’t want to discourage them. But it is not really a situation that is mandatory. Still, some admissions advisers [disagree]. It seems like a small thing, but I tell my students that every contact with the college contributes to their perception of you, said Patrick J. O’Connor, director of college counseling at the private Roeper School in Birmingham, Mich. (Karen W. Arenson, Thank-You Note Enters College Admission Game. The New York Times, Oct. 9, 2007) A CEOs Thank-You Notes Dear Bloomberg Businessweek Friends, Thank you for asking my perspective on writing thank you notes. In my 10 years as President and CEO of Campbell Soup Company, I sent out over 30,000 notes to our 20,000 employees. I found it was a powerful way to reinforce our strategies, to let our employees know we were paying attention and to let them know that we cared. I kept my notes short (50-70 words) and to the point. They celebrated accomplishments and contributions of real significance. They were virtually all handwritten to make the communication more authentic and personal. It is a practice that I highly recommend. Good luck! Doug (Douglas Conant, Write a Thank-You Note. Bloomberg Businessweek, Sep. 22, 2011) Thank-You Note to Anita Hill Anita Hill, I want to personally thank you for what you did for us twenty years ago. Thank you for speaking up and speaking out. Thank you for your quiet dignity, your eloquence and elegance, your grace under pressure. Thank you for illuminating the complexities of female powerlessness and for explaining why you didn’t complain when the offense first occurred, and for describing how cowed and coerced a woman can feel when she’s hit upon by a man who controls her economic destiny. . . . (Letty Cottin Pogrebin, A Thank-You Note to Anita Hill. The Nation, Oct. 24, 2011)
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Discipleship in the Gospel of Matthew Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Discipleship in the Gospel of Matthew - Essay Example he concept of discipleship will be explored and subsequently validated through comparisons to the role of faith, devotional learning and ministry within contemporary Christian communities. The English word disciple customarily denotes a follower, adherent or student of a great master, religious leader or teacher.2 Discipleship, in relation to the teachings of New Testament principles, focuses around Christs establishment of a group of individuals who digest, adopt and consequently administer these lessons to other individuals for the sake of promoting Christian doctrine. Moreover, a primary objective of Christs ministry was to appoint citizens of the community of Israel to the role of disciple where, as He preached and educated them regarding His new covenant, these newly selected ministers were moved to faith for the sake of servitude to Christianity.3 It is crucial to highlight the fundamental principles of new Christian doctrine, as Jesus teachings offered a radical reinterpretation of scripture and Jewish tradition whereby He frames the invitation to an abundant life within a new Christian community through a calling to rigorous discipleship.4 In the New Testament, Christ administers His absolute authority to promote a new doctrine for acceptable living by citing His relationship as the appointed messenger of God. Through His teachings, those who were appointed as disciples formed the nucleus of the modern church and that the pattern of the relationship between Christ and his disciples was essential for the establishment of a communion between the risen Lord and members of His church.5 Thus, discipleship can from God through Christ. It is within the Gospel of Matthew where elements of discipleship are most apparent which point toward the goals of adherents to Christianity and the role of disciples in promoting Christian morality and Gods law for the sake of building not only the modern church, but in establishing salvation for others through ministry. The
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Influence of Cold War on Development i the Third World Essay
Influence of Cold War on Development i the Third World - Essay Example Third world countries adopted capitalist economy that has hindered their developments in many ways. Considering the level of human interference such as government regulations, selfish interests and communism policies can be claimed to have hindered development. Permanent economic forces such as the forces of demand, supply, unemployment, and inflation have been consistently applied in academic teachings where the forces are traced into a perfect self-balance in the free market economies. Unlike the free market economies that could have enabled third world countries to improve their economic prosperity through the self-balancing forces, the capitalist economies have continually had effective development. The forces of unemployment have driven most third world countries into underutilization of resources that could have been effectively used to advance economic developments into industrialization and self-sufficiency among the states. Moreover, third world countries continue to become under-developed due to lack of balance of the controlled and government regulated markets (Arnold Harberger, 1998, p50-54) The ideologies of capitalist states that spilled over into the third world countries have resulted in ownership of the biggest percentage of states resources by a few individuals, while the majority of the population continue to languished in poverty. The ideological frameworks have led into high level of inequality among people, since land and asset owners have accumulated wealth from the middle class and forced them into poverty. A good example of the capitalists market is Chile, which has experienced societal war of the middle class and the poor against the rich. Indeed, forty-five percent of the population was below the poverty line while ten percent of the population increased their income by eighty three percent since the introduction of the capitalist rule (Eduardo Galeano, 1983, p86). Geo-Political Framework It is believed that third world countries have remained underdeveloped due to domination of political framework where the society is forced into accepting the non-communi st system of governance and economic strategy. The systems of communism where people exist freely without being restricted and operating in free markets were barred by dictatorial rule. According to Garner (N.d), this kind of dictatorial rule seeks to manifest its ideologies and establish itself at the expense of the welfare of the society that has utilized liberal ideologies to build itself and live in harmony. The story of the three little pigs that built their houses with liberal ideas and freedom of choice represents the free market economy where democracy exists. This kind of ideology is what the third world countries need to protect against the ‘Wolf and its imperialist rule’ to achieve development and industrialization. This kind of government often faces a threat of revolution among members of the society. The Nicaraguan case is viewed as a social movement towards revolution against the imperialist ideological rule that has degraded humanity in poverty and despe ration (Ross and Levy, N.d, 410). Dictatorial rule was seen to subject citizens who were against this kind of rule to torture and even death. Citizens who were seen to have ideologies that were contrary to the system of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Poem Explication Essay Example for Free
Poem Explication Essay The first two lines show the king’s envy of other people in his court who unlike him can sleep soundly. Subsequently, he blames his not being able to sleep upon nature and questions why it has not made him sleepy yet. Line five seems particularly important because there King Henry hints that what he really wants is not sleep itself but the forgetfulness that comes with it. This line somewhat shows why the king is not able to sleep. King Henry wants nature to steep his sense of forgetfulness and let him rest but it does not, and so the king further questions nature as to why those that he considers below him are granted what he is not. He contrasts the common sleeping area with that of his grand chambers in lines six to eleven and asks nature why it would choose the former over the latter. In this part of the poem, the king describes the first sleeping place as shabby and poor while describing his own bed chambers as â€Å"perfumed†with sheets that are very expensive. This shows that the king thinks highly of his status as being superior to others as first expressed in the poem’s first two lines. The king further establishes this in the next lines of the poem, comparing himself to a lowly cabin boy who is probably somewhere sleeping while the monstrous winds rocked the ship floor where he slept. The king again contrasts it to his own situation, peacefully lying down without the disturbance of a heavy storm and again questions why he is denied of sleep. The last line supports the inference made in the fifth line. The words â€Å"uneasy lies the head that wears this crown†denotes that the king cannot sleep because there was something that was really bothering him. Reference The Second part of King Henry the Fourth. Retrieved March 27, 2008 from:
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Martin Luther Reformation Essay -- essays research papers
Martin Luther: Reformer Martin Luther was born in Eisieben, Germany, on November 10,1483, St. Martin’s Day. He was the son of Has Luther, a coal miner, and Margarethe. Martin’s parents were of the middle class and were unbending in their disciplinary acts. He attended the best schools in his region but all of them held to the barbaric discipline system of the times. This had a big impact on Martin’s personality. But he did receive some positive influence from his home environment. His parents were very pious people and brought him up to be one too. His parents also gave him a strong sense of superstition. At the age of 14 Luther went to grammar school at Magdeburg. There he got attracted to the Church and particularly the Lollards. Then in 1498 he moved to Eisenach and came in contact with a warmer church life than he was use too. He also made some important friends here including Fran Ursula Cotta. He really started going into the Church works when he attended the University at Erfurt. He was a very diligent student and quickly rose through the academic ranks. Meanwhile his father upon hearing of his son’s achievements had great hopes for him. Luther was preparing to be a lawyer to some prince or town after he received his degree in philosophy. But halfway through his training he decided to quit and take up life permanently in an Augustine monastery. Â Â Â Â Â Historians speculate on why such a successful young man would want to join the monastery. Historians believe a string of events led Luther to choose the path of the Church. Being superstitious, Luther might have thought that this was god trying to get him to join the monastery. Luther made hid decision to go into the monastery during a thunderstorm. A bolt of lightening hit just a few feet away from him and threw him up into the air. He saw this as an act of god and joined the monastery. Later he and his father would look back and wonder whether it was God or the devil. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â His methods of teaching were a bit unorthodox but had a natural talent for speaking to the masses that listen to him. He often used vulgar language in his classes and had liberal ideas that he preached. His vulgarity came from a few things. First of all he was constipated and often talked about it in class. He rel... ...ed that Catholic services be followed. It also outlawed the practice of Lutheran services in all the Catholic States. The angered many of the Lutheran princes and nobles and said they would Protest this unfair decree. From this Protest came the term Protestant, or a person who protests against the Catholic Church. Charles V never seriously enforced the edict and allowed the Lutheran countries to continue their reforms. A group of Protestant Princes and Cities came together and formed the Schmalkaldic League named after they city in which the first meeting of their league was held. Also in 1530 another diet was called and the Lutheran princes decided to put their complaints in writing so they sent a scholar named Philipp Melanchuthon to what was called the Augsburg Confession. The Augsberg Confession was the systematic statement of the Lutheran belief. The Confession was written as uncontroversial as possible. Charles handed the Confession to a team of theologians to analyze and t heir report stated that the Church did indeed have some problems. Charles said that he would help correct the problems of the Church and that he hoped the Protestants would rejoin the Church. They did not.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Internal and External Sources of Finance Essay
I will explain the different sources of finance, some of which are internal and external to the Loxford Business unit. I will state the advantages and disadvantages of each of the sources of finance. Loxford Business Unit use both internal and external sources to get money in order to run the Business Unit successfully. Source of Finance Definition Internal or external Advantages Disadvantages Applicable to the Loxford Business Unit Retained Profits An amount of money saved aside from the business earning to be used when necessary. Internal The money doesn’t have to be repaid and there is no interest. Also they are flexible as management -have complete control over how the money is reinvested and what portion is kept rather than paid as dividends. The disadvantages are: There will unhappy shareholders as they will receive lower dividends. Also retained profit is not available for new business as they main aim will be to survive and break even, so therefore they will either make no profit or little profit. The Loxford Business will only use retained profit if the amount is large enough, if not then there will be no need to use the retained profit. Owners Savings Money from the owner’s personal savings. Internal Cheap – because there is no interest that has to be paid. Flexible – the money can be used for whatever reasons the owner please. The disadvantages are: It is risky – as you may waste your money. Not enough money – The money may not be enough. The Loxford Business Unit may use the owners fund if there is enough available however in order for the business to expand successfully the owners fund may not be enough. Overdraft A loan arrangement under which the bank extends credit up to a maximum amount. External Flexible- there when needed, Efficient – allows a business to make essential payments and maintains cash flow. Quick – quick and easy to arrange. Useful temporary cash The disadvantages are: Costs- overdrafts carry interest is often at much higher rates than loans, therefore making it expensive for a business for long-term borrowing. Recall – Unless specified in the terms and conditions, the bank can recall the entire overdraft at any time. This may happen if you fail to make other payments, or if you have broken terms and conditions; though sometimes the banks simply change their policies. They are terms and conditions. The Loxford Business Unit may use an overdraft as its quick process so it will give the business immediate money. Also this type of finance is suitable because the money will be available when needed. Venture Capital Money provided by investors to start up firms. External Willingness -The investors are more willing to invest. Gain information – The investors are a valuable source of information, advice and resources. Value added services – such as mentoring, alliances and advice. Provides funding that a business company needs to expand its business. The disadvantages are: Control- the investors will expect a say in decisions. Long process- It can be a long and complicated process. Lots of paper work required to provide such as a business plan, including financial records. Accounting Fee -The business will have to pay legal accounting fees whether or not they will successful in securing funds. Loxford Business Unit may use a venture capitalist for professional help and advice about achieving the necessary grades although this process will be long and complicated, it will be worth it in the long-term because it mean that students will achieve good grades overall. Bank Loan Borrowing money from the bank over a period of time which is then to be paid back with interest. External Reliability – Loans are very reliable and secure, you are assured the money for the duration of the loan (unless you break terms and conditions). Complicated process- Must have right documentations such as business plan and cash flow forecast. Money will be paid back with interest. A bank loan will be efficient for the Loxford Baines Unit because they will be given a large sum of money, which is to be paid back slowly and in instalments.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Outside Speech Assignment Essay
After I watched the speech which was gave by Bill Gates in June 08, 2007 on the Harvard commencement, I felt more interesting in Bill Gates. According to the information offered by woopidoo. com, we can find the Biography of Bill Gates, which said, â€Å"Bill Gates is one of the most influential people in the world. He is cofounder of one of the most recognized brands in the computer industry with nearly every desk top computer using at least one software program from Microsoft. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and has held the number one position for many years. Gates was born and grew up in Seattle, Washington USA. His father, William H. Gates II was a Seattle attorney and his mother, Mary Maxwell Gates was a school teacher and chairperson of the United Way charity. Gates and his two sisters had a comfortable upbringing, with Gates being able to attend the exclusive secondary â€Å"Lakeside School†. Bill Gates started studying at Harvard University in 1973 where he spent time with Paul Allen. Gates and Allen worked on a version of the programming language BASIC, which was the basis for the MITS Altair (the first microcomputer available). He did not go on to graduate from Harvard University as he left in his junior year to start what was to become the largest computer software company in the world; Microsoft Corporation. †30 years later since Gates left Harvard; Gates came back to Harvard and gave a speech to those students who were graduated from Harvard. The reason why Bill Gates gave this speech is that he wanted to deliver what he had thought about a successful person should do to the world after graduated from school. His topics were appropriate for the audience, because the audience were all students who graduated from Harvard. Also, his topics were appropriate for the occasion, because it was Harvard commencement Day. For the general purpose of this speech, it was the special occasion speech, because this speech was a presentation that highlights a special event. The special event was the Harvard commencement. For the mode of delivery for this speech, I think it should be the manuscript mode, because during Bill Gates were giving the speech; he looked down on the speech table. Bill Gates used his voice effectively. He adjusted his rate very well. He did not speak very fast so that everyone there can get what he said. Also, he used pause for effect, such as when he said, I’ve been waiting more than 30 years to say this: â€Å"Dad, I always told you I’d come back and get my degree. †Between â€Å"to say this†and â€Å"Dad†he used a pause, so that audience would think about what would he going to say. And it made the speech more interesting. Also, he used duration for attention, pitch for expression, volume for emphasis, enunciation for clarity and fluency for fluidity during his speech. He spoke clearly and smoothly, so that everyone could understand what he was talking about. Bill Gates used eye contact to hold audience attention, because he would look at audience usually, not kept reading his manuscript all the time. He did not use facial expression a lot, but audience still could see him smiling sometimes. Thus, for the delivery part, I think Bill Gates did very well. He gave the speech by using a manuscript; however, he gave the speech without kept reading the manuscript all the time. He used voice to get audiences’ attention; he used eye contact to kept audiences’ attention. And everything he talked was clear and smooth. For the speech organization, Bill Gates used a very good attention getter by saying, â€Å"I’ve been waiting more than 30 years to say this: â€Å"Dad, I always told you I’d come back and get my degree. â€Å"I want to thank Harvard for this timely honor. I’ll be changing my job next year†¦and it will be nice to finally have a college degree on my resume. But I also want to be recognized as the guy who got Steve Ballmer to drop out of business school. I’m a bad influence. That’s why I was invited to speak at your graduation. If I had spoken at your orientation, fewer of you might be here today. I applaud the graduates today for taking a much more direct route to your degrees. For my part, I’m just happy that the Crimson has called me â€Å"Harvard’s most successful dropout. †I guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class†¦I did the best of everyone who failed. †These were part of the manuscript I found from networkworld. com. After his introduction, he began to recall his school life when he was studying in the Harvard. By telling his story, he told audience how he began his business. After his business, he talked about what he had thought about during the 30 years. Then, his main point came out: â€Å"In your years here, I hope you’ve had a chance to think about how–in this age of accelerating technology–we can finally take on these inequities, and we can solve them. †Then, Bill Gates gave an example for the inequities: there were millions of children were dying from poverty and disease. Then, Gates started talked about how to help these children from dying, â€Å"If we can find approaches that meet the needs of the poor in ways that generate profits for business and votes for politicians, we will have found a sustainable way to reduce inequity in the world. This task is open-ended. It can never be finished. But a conscious effort to answer this challenge will change the world. We can make market forces work better for the poor if we can develop a more creative capitalism? If we can stretch the reach of market forces so that more people can make a profit, or at least make a living, serving people who are suffering from the worst inequities. We also can press governments around the world to spend taxpayer money in ways that better reflect the values of the people who pay the taxes. At the last, he gave the conclusion by calling action, â€Å"Knowing what you know, how could you not? And I hope you will come back here to Harvard 30 years from now and reflect on what you have done with your talent and your energy. I hope you will judge yourselves not on your professional accomplishments alone, but also on how well you have addressed the world’s deepest inequities †¦ on how well you treated people a world away who have nothing in common with you but their humanity. †I think the organization of Bill’s speech was very good, because everything was included and nothing was unnecessary. For the materials to support the speech, Bill Gates used the AIDS as an example, â€Å"The broad goal, of course, is to end the disease. The highest-leverage approach is prevention. The ideal technology would be a vaccine that gives lifetime immunity with a single dose. So governments, drug companies, and foundations fund vaccine research. But their work is likely to take more than a decade, so in the meantime, we have to work with what we have in hand–and the best prevention approach we have now is getting people to avoid risky behavior. Pursuing that goal starts the four-step cycle again. This is the pattern. The crucial thing is to never stop thinking and working–and never do what we did with malaria and tuberculosis in the 20th century–which is to surrender to complexity and quit. The final step–after seeing the problem and finding an approach–is to measure the impact of your work and share your successes and failures so that others learn from your efforts. †This example told people how to help those people who were suffering from disease. Also it told people to solve the problem when they met. The audiences were responded lively. When Bill Gates stood on the stage, all the people stood and began to clap. When Bill Gates used humor to deliver his points, audiences would laugh or clap. When Bill Gates was talking, the audience would be silence. It showed that the speech was interesting and meaningful that they would like to listen. Also, they showed the respect to the people who were the richest one in the world. After I watched the video, I think Bill Gates did very well on his speech. He gave an interesting and meaningful speech to people. He let people laugh; at the same time, he let people think.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Brave New World essays
Brave New World essays In Aldous Huxleys novel Brave New World, Mustapha Mond believes that every person lives their life inside of a bottle (223). Plato used a similar line of thinking as Mustapha Mond in his Simile of the Cave. The cave in this case is considered the bottle. Monds statement is valid for the rest of the citizens in the Brave New Worlds World State, as well. One of the main themes in Brave New World is how human conditioning creates a bottle, or glass box, and although some bottles are, as Mond says, ...relatively speaking, enormous... (223), all people do live in some sort of a metaphorical bottle. This bottle controls what they believe and how they react to different situations in life. By bottle, Mond means certain surroundings as well as personal thoughts that remain somewhat constant. Constants can be broad, such as weather conditions that we are used to, or much more introverted like what time of day a person always goes to sleep. In a sense the bottle is our own individual culture that determines how one acts or thinks. Constants within the bottle can be sociological, such as what is considered acceptable, and what aspects of life in the society are considered normal. What is considered normal and acceptable is learned since birth, from observing and obeying parents, friends, and the rest of a given society. What is normal and acceptable are different for every culture that ever existed. These differences can sometimes be completely opposite and sometimes result in conflicts of racism, murder and sometimes even as extreme as war. Each persons bottle is created by different experiences along with different influences. Different people in the same society will have similar enough backgrounds that they will likely react in similar fashions to the same circumstances. As Professor Erchak wrote in his essay on culture...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Case Study Analysis Cost Of Capital At Ameritrade Finance Essay
Case Study Analysis Cost Of Capital At Ameritrade Finance Essay Capital Asset Pricing Model is a model that describes the relationship between risk and expected return and that is used in the pricing of risky securities. Description: Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) The general idea behind CAPM is that investors need to be compensated in two ways: time value of money and risk. The time value of money is represented by the risk-free(rf) rate in the formula and compensates the investors for placing money in any investment over a period of time. The other half of the formula represents risk and calculates the amount of compensation the investor needs for taking on additional risk. This is calculated by taking a risk measure (beta) that compares the returns of the asset to the market over a period of time and to the market premium (Rm-rf). The CAPM says that the expected return of a security or a portfolio equals the rate on a risk-free security plus a risk premium. If this expected return does not meet or beat the required retur n, then the investment should not be undertaken. The security market line plots the results of the CAPM for all different risks (betas). Using the CAPM model and the following assumptions, we can compute the expected return of a stock in this CAPM example: â€Å"if the risk-free rate is 3%, the beta (risk measure) of the stock is 2 and the expected market return over the period is 10%, the stock is expected to return 17% (3%+2(10%-3%))†. CAPM has a lot of important consequences. For one thing it turns finding the efficient frontier into a doable task, because you only have to calculate the co-variances of every pair of classes, instead of every pair of everything. Another consequence is that CAPM implies that investing in individual stocks is pointless, because you can duplicate the reward and risk characteristics of any security just by using the right mix of cash with the appropriate asset class. This is why followers of MPT avoid stocks, and instead build portfolios out of low cost index funds. â€Å"Cap-M†looks at risk and rates of return and compares them to the overall stock market. If you use CAPM you have to assume that most investors want to avoid risk, (risk averse), and those who do take risks, expect to be rewarded. It also assumes that investors are â€Å"price takers†who can’t influence the price of assets or markets. With CAPM you assume that there are no transactional costs or taxation and assets and securities are divisible into small little packets. CAPM assumes that investors are not limited in their borrowing and lending under the risk free rate of interest. How to Calculate the Cost of Equity CAPM The cost of equity is the amount of compensation an investor requires to invest in an equity investment. The cost of equity is estimable is several ways, including the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). The formula for calculating the cost of equity using CAPM is the risk-free rate plus beta times the market r isk premium. Beta compares the risk of the asset to the market, so it is a risk that, even with diversification, will not go away. As an example, a company has a beta of 0.9, the risk-free rate is 1 percent and the expected return on the equity investment is 4 percent.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Harassment and Bullying when using Email, SMS, Facebook in Workplace Research Paper
Harassment and Bullying when using Email, SMS, Facebook in Workplace - Research Paper Example This study also denotes employers’ inadequate capacity to deal with cyber bullying due to constant evolution of communication platforms and sensitivity of intertwined political and personal issues, particularly in regard to social networking and instant texting. Nevertheless, the paper denotes measures, guidelines and standards that can be adopted in a work environment to curb cyber bullying and bolster a firm’s productivity. Bullying at the work environment is not a new phenomenon. However, following the continued advancement of technology, and particularly in digital communication, bullying is adopting new platforms. For instance, employees if not properly managed can easily convey negative messages about their co-workers via email, short message service (SMS) and other social media conduits like Twitter and Facebook. With the current levels of development, malevolent gossip regarding an employee can be transmitted to others across the internet within an instant, thus reaching a broad audience not just within the organization, but to external targets as well. Such hurtful, and most often false rumors, can adversely affect the subject’s working capability, reputation and even his or her future career. It is also crucial to note that any person can post the negative comments online and once this is done, it is difficult to dispute the information or even remove it. Another noteworthy aspect is that, cyber bullying is not limited to conventional working places and work hours. This is because of the rise in number of laptops and other mobile communication gadgets, such as internet enabled phones and computer tablets (Privitera and Campbell, 2009, pp. 398-400). As a result, cyber bullying traverses the physical and time limitations of an ordinary workplace, and workers can post negative messages even in the comfort of their homes. Failure to address cyber bullying at the workplace would lead to the unnecessary loss of productive employees, hen ce inability to utilize social media to foster the organization’s performance. Cyber Bullying Incidences The conveyance of negative information within or outside the workplace, by employees with malign intent has led to the increasingly worrying cases of cyber bullying (Hinduja and Patchin, 2007). Outlined herein are some of the most common forms of employee harassment via the internet and other contemporary communications channels: Conveyance of spiteful or intimidating SMS communications or emails to a certain worker’s cellular phone or computer address, respectively. Electronic or mobile communications, which are characterized by unpleasant content like explicit pictures, comments or jokes that seek to mock an individual’s religion, sexual preference or ethnicity. Mobile or electronic messages which seek to provide feedback or propose correction to a certain person, with the sole aim of demeaning the individual or shaming him or her publicly. Malevolent or me nacing comments regarding a particular person put up on social sites of blogs. Distribution of offensive and embarrassing videos or photographs of a person, which in most cases may be falsely acquired through manipulation. Displaying desktop wallpapers or screen savers that feature offensive content, with the aim of shaming a specific person. Even though cyber bullying bears numerous similarities with the conventional modes of harassment, it has the capability to escalate faster and with elevated aggression. This is because perpetrators of the
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