Thursday, October 31, 2019
Tang Dynasty Culture Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Tang Dynasty Culture Art - Essay Example The animals that were frequently found in Tang ceramics were created using so many molds and then by putting the pieces together and strengthening those areas with clay plugs on the inside to try to reduce strain on the joints. During this period, it was featured with enghlitement in trade and peace with other foreign nations. Evidence of these foreigners is seen in the figures on tombs during this time. Several nationalities were noted in the pottery. Importation of horses also marked this period, and this period was famously known for its horses that were displayed in its funerary artwork (Ebrey, pg. 127)The most common form of pottery that was famous during this time was the globular jars and offering trays that had horizontal rims. Because of the vast nature of china as a country, the ceramics were varying from one region to the other during this period. In the northern central region, the stoneware is seen to be fine, and the common practice was covering it with a thin whitish s lip. In the east and southeast region, the pottery is stouter with short straight spout that is set on the shoulder.During this period, there is also curious interest in the transmutation glaze in which the high-fired stoneware is seen to change its colors to kilns. This is seen especially when the blue or gray place flecks are applied to a dark or brown background that resembles tea-dusk. The dynasty of tang was crucial in the ceramics development and the contribution of clay bodies, glaze techniques and firing methods.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Multiple-Part Short Answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Multiple-Part Short Answer - Essay Example The L. Monocytogenes has a lower pathogenic potential than other food borne pathogens. Therefore, the number of pathogens ingested through foods is still low. It is however inconsistent with the relatively high 50% lethal dose (LD50) (Lee 98). Therefore, the minimum dose required for causing clinical infection in the humans is yet to be determined but the large numbers of the L. Monocytogenes bacteria detected in the foods responsible for sporadic and epidemic listeriosis cases suggests it is still high The vibrio cholera, the cholera agent, is a normal inhabitant of the aquatic environment. It survives under a wide range of salinity and pH. The effect of selected environmental parameters can be identified through chemically defined solutions. From such conditions, the growth and activity of the vibrio cholera are seen as being affected and influenced by the low pH. The low pH was responsible for the reduced effectiveness and growth of the vibrio cholera bacteria. This condition of the pH altered the internal process of the bacteria causing it to slow down and reproduce slowly. Low pH contained less Na+ that was relevant for the growth of the bacteria. Hence, the vibrio cholera bacteria were bound to be minimal in number. From a past study by (Vimont, 1-4), vibrio cholera can be cultured for a period of 4days using and estuarine salinity of 25%. Salinity of the bacteria’s niche influenced the activity as measured through the uptake of 14C –amino acids. From the study of selected ions, it was evident that the activity and growth of the cholera were affected by pH. The LD50 is the dose at which a drug becomes lethal for 50% of the target population. It is expressed as the mass of the bacteria administered per mass of the target. Different bacteria types impact on the host differently. The lethal dose for particular bacteria can change over time due to various factors. This can be affected by the toxicity and the amount of the bacteria cells. As the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Room Division Manager Forecasting Data And Revenue Study Tourism Essay
Room Division Manager Forecasting Data And Revenue Study Tourism Essay By forecasting room availability we mean forecasting the number of rooms available for sale. In order to facilitate forecasting Room Division Manager should collect the following data that helps manage the reservation process. Number of expected room arrivals- is the number of guests that have already made reservation in the hotel and are expected to check à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬in. Number of expected room walk-ins- Walk-ins are the guests without reservations that coming in the hotel. This number helps the front office managers to use the appropriate number of staff and prepare rooms for the expected walk-ins. Number of expected room stayovers- is the number of guests that will not expected to check out today and will continue stay in the hotel. Helps the management to know the occupancy of the hotel, the number of rooms that are available for sale and the number of employees that must be used. Number of expected room no-shows- is the number of expected guests who did not arrive in the hotel. This number helps front office managers to know if there are rooms available for sale and decide when to sell rooms to walk-in. Number of expected room understays- is the number of guests who check out before their departure date. Helps the management to know additional room availability. Number of expected room check-outs- is the number of guests expected to departure from the hotel that day. This number helps the management with the number of available rooms for sale. It helps them to use the right number of employees will be needed in the front office during the check-out process and the number of housekeepers in order to clean the rooms. Number of expected room overstays- Overstays are the guests who stay beyond their departure date. This number alerts management for any problems when rooms have been reserved for arriving guests. Moreover, this type of forecasting can be used as an occupancy forecast that helps the management to decide how many employees needed for a shift depended on the expected volume of business. 2. Explain the concept of revenue management and how R.D Manager can maximize revenue by using forecast data. Revenue management is the process of each hotel to understanding guest behavior in order to maximize the revenue. The philosophy of the revenue management of a hotel is to sell the right room to the right person at the right time for the right price. The revenue management plays an important role in the financial success of any hotel. It includes a number of tactics and strategies that make the hotel to develop best selling situations. Revenue management is always depends on the law of demand and supply. There are more factors that can draw a reliable forecasting that affects the business, like long/short stay guests, type of room, cost of room etc. The concept of the revenue management is to pick the business that gives the maximum yield for the hotel. The management of the hotel wants to attract guests who pay the most and stay longest. There are numerous benefits coming of Revenue Management. The revenue management improves forecasting. It improves decisions about the prices and t he inventory of the hotel. It identifies new market segments and the demand of each market segment. The revenue management improves development of short and long term business plans and tries to increases the profit of the hotel and decrease the operating cost of the hotel by saving in labor cost, waste time from employees or other operating expenses. The forecasting data have lot to do with the revenue of the hotel. The forecasting data are used for the R.D manager to the revenue management techniques that followed from a hotel in order to increase the profitability to a great extent .These strategies are used from the Revenue Management are the capacity management, the discount allocation and the duration control. The Capacity management involves methods to balance the risks and control the room supply. It balances risks of overbooking against possible loss of revenue from guests that cancel their reservation, under-stays, and no-shows. It also involves in determining the number of walk-ins can be accepted on the day of arrival taking all the above in consideration. The Discount allocation involves methods to manage discounts for the rooms for various time periods from the rack rates. The Room Division manager and the sales agents must be able to sale at the best possible rates and at the same time to sale all the rooms of the h otel. All the room types of the hotel reduced rate- structure below the rack rate is given to reservations. Implementing this method requires reliable demand forecasting. This method helps also in up-selling by limiting the discounts by room type. Duration control is managing to place time limits on accepting reservations in order to give room request that are multiple days that represents higher level of revenue than single day occupancy that represents lower level of revenue. To increase the revenue the management can be combined the strategies of duration control and discount allocation. For example, the hotel can make a discount to a guest that will stay in for two weeks while one day stay require rack rate.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Sweden’s Position on Personal Privacy in Cyberspace Essay -- Swedish S
Sweden’s Position on Personal Privacy in Cyberspace The Internet and computer age has enabled people to work faster and more efficiently, with practically unlimited access to information. As much as the technology boom has made our lives easier, as with most good inventions, there is some negativity that must be dealt with. The dissemination of information on the global network has put personal privacy at risk. Obviously, we are not going to give up new technologies that enrich human life for the sake of maintaining our privacy; however, measures must be taken to keep the public, or government, from abusing the Internet and computer databases for malevolent reasons. Every country in the world has its own policies on human rights to personal privacy and will deal with the threat the Internet has presented. In this paper, we will explore Swedish laws and regulations and its viewpoint on safekeeping privacy in this Internet age. A recent survey called â€Å"Digital Life Index†, which is conducted year by the Jupiter Research group, concluded that Swedes were the most digital-savvy people amongst 17 Western European countries. This title essentially means that Swedes are more prone to trying out new technologies when they first come out on the market. Swedish households are more likely than their Western European counterparts to own digital handheld gadgets, satellite dishes, mobile phones, and high-speed Internet connections.[1] We can assume that this translates into more time spent using the Internet and transferring information across databases, which requires Sweden to be considerably more conscious of preserving its people privacy. Sweden, historically, has held personal privacy in very high regard compared to other cou... ...Data Directive", <> [15] Palme, J.; â€Å"Swedish Attempts to Regulate the Internet†, <http:/> [16] Privacy Exchange, â€Å"Summary of the New Personal Data Protection Act for Sweden†, <http:/> [17] Palme, J.; â€Å"Critical Review of the Swedish Data Act†, <http:/> [18] Palme, J.;â€Å"Swedish Law on Responsibilities for Internet Information Providers†, <http:/> [19] Swedish Data Inspection Board, <http:/> [20] Arrision, S., 23 Oct 2003,"Perspective: Privacy Lessons from Europe", CNet News, <>
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Market Equilibration Process Essay
Market equilibration gives businesses the opportunity to mold to different changes that occur within the field of marketing. With market equilibration, market prices are established through product and service competition. For example, the amounts of goods or services required by customers are equivalent to the amount of goods or services produced by business. Market equilibration will allow the business and customer to be on the same sheet of music with product and prices. Law of Demand In order for market equilibrium to exist, the economy must have a need for a particular product or services. For there to be a demand, customers must be prepared to pay the established prices set by the industry. After the need for a particular product has been identified, manufacturers can begin producing the products. Law of Supply With supply, the product or services are made available to the economy. When a consumer is prepared to pay the price the market is asking market equilibrium is established. Should there be an imbalance of the demand or supply, there would be no equilibrium. In cases of supply imbalance, this could cause prices to increase which would inadvertently create business and revenue for the competition. Contrary to supply shortage is an excess of supplies. Excess supplies in the market will cause the market prices to drop resulting in an imbalance in the market equilibrium. Efficient Market Theory Efficient market theory is an investment theory that states it is impossible to â€Å"beat the market†because stock market efficiency causes existing share prices always to incorporate and reflect all relevant information (Investopedia, 2014). Because stock usually trades at fair values the efficient market theory keeps the stock exchange fair and honest. It prevents investors from selling at over inflated prices or purchasing at underrated prices. Surplus and Shortage Another cause of an imbalance in the market equilibrium could be a result of supply surplus. A supply surplus could also cause product prices to drop. Because there are more products available it could mean that customers just are not buying or that there are too many suppliers of the same product. The counter to this problem is to limit the number of like products available within the economy. The opposite effect to a surplus could be very beneficial to business competitors. A shortage would allow a competitor to move the business into the local economy and set prices high. As a result of shortages, this would allow the competitors to monopolize the market causing duress to surrounding companies. Real World Experience A real world example of the free market is when a customer looks for a bargain for the same product that both Wal-Mart and Target offers but at different price. Most consumers prefer to choose the item that has the best price versus the store name. Another factor that plays a role in the decision process is the location. If a customer has to drive further away to make a purchase they may elect to select the most expensive item. Customers can take advantage of supply and demand when the businesses are competing with each other. Conclusion In economics, manufactures and customers are the primary stakeholders in the equilibrating process. The market equilibrating process is difficult to balance because of the shifting market. By obtaining a good understanding of how the equilibrating process works, it will assist consumers on how to spend his or her money while saving at the same time. References McConnell, C., Brue, S., & Flynn, S. (2009). Economic Principles, Problems, and Policies (14th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Investopedia. (2014). Retrieved from
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Generation Me Essay
In Twenges’ book she uses purpose in several ways. One of her main purposes is to describe how different generations have completely different views and moral standards. Twenge uses purpose to try and persuade the readers to believe that she has done the proper research for her book, and want the reader to feel like they can trust that what she is saying is the truth. In this book she doesn’t believe that there it is a problem between the generations just simply that there are distinct differences, and she tries to help the reader to discover why these differences occurred. In this book Twenge is really good at giving the audience background knowledge about herself and about the research that she did for the book. If you are familiar with the audience that you are writing to it is easier to persuade them, because you know there interests. I think that Twenge did a good job assessing her audience by asking herself questions like, who is going to read what I am going to discuss, what are their backgrounds, how much do the readers know about the topic I am writing about, and how much background information should I provide to my audience. I feel that when I read this book I can relate and easily understand what she is discussing. She is writing to a younger audience and not to Biochemists. I like the form of genre that Twenge uses in Generation Me. She breaks each chapter in to sub categories to put emphasis on specific topics which allow the reader to see what she thinks is important information. In this book she uses simple language with strong interests to get her point across. Structure is very important to the reader and the writer. Different types of magazines and novels have specific formats and structures of how they should be written. The style of writing is starting to change slowly over time just like fashion changes, but it will always be important to consider your audience when formatting the genre of your book.
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